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Warning: Spoilers!
Player: Mike
Mike enters the Sanatorium and you’re first action will be locking the door behind you (so the others won’t be able to follow you and they can explore a different area). Retrace you steps, from Chapter 5 and get back to the Chapel.
Once in the Chapel go to the back left-hand corner. There is a door on the left that is now able to be opened. In the room that follows there in a large hole in the wall, leading outside, but first check the ground to the left for Danger Totem #4. Now head outside and interact with the crosses: 1952 Clue #23.
Again back to the Chapel. Head toward the front door. When the camera changes you’ll be able to see a set of stairs leading up onto a mezzanine. From here you can drop down into one of the locked caged areas below. Inside is a shotgun that will come in handy for opening doors and holding off the Wendigo.

Use the shotgun to unlock the middle door on the left. On the other side, Wolfie will appear and if you made friends with him, he will join you. Also, if you keep him alive you get a trophy.
Follow Wolfie through an outdoor, caged walkway and into the Wendigo… I’m going to call it: Asylum. You’ll have to pull a switch to open up the next area, but this will also close the door behind you. The door forward won’t open fully, so you;ll have to squeeze through.
Directly ahead of you is an archway with a staircase that descends deeper into the Asylum. At the bottom of the stairs, enter the room on the left, there is a report on the table: 1952 Clue #24.
Now go down the corridor to the right. Immediately, you will be faced with Wolfie’s partner; dead and ripped apart by a Wendigo. Follow Wolfie to the right.
Continue moving through the hallways of the Asylum until you see a sign on an archway that say: “B-WING”. At this point move toward the camera. Cheat game harvest moon back to nature ps1 android. An open door will appear on the right; inside is an old film projector. Turn it on and watch the film of a Wendigo transformation for 1952 Clue #25.
Keep moving back toward the camera. You’ll soon come upon a “DOCTOR’S OFFICE”; enter. On the right is a desk, which contains a dossier documenting the Wendigo transformation: 1952 Clue #27. At the rear of the office, the is a light seeping through the wall. Investigate it to find a secret room containing 1952 Clue #26 (its on the lap of the dead doctor in the chair).
Time to get back to “B-WING”. Move deeper into the Asylum. You’ll soon find yourself moving around a roundish caged-off area. Get ready because your about to reach a QTE-heavy cutscene. It is important to follow along if you wish to keep Wolfie alive for the The Skilful Wolf Man Trophy. Mike cannot die in this chapter, but if you fail a QTE, Wolfie will try to protect you and may be killed in the process (if you have the Machete, Mike will use that first and Wolfie won’t be in danger, unless you screw up again).
When you enter the cage a small box will move. Don’t shoot because this is just a rat and the Wendigo is waiting for you just to the right of the camera shot, so shoot the Wendigo instead.
Next you’ll be given the choice to go left or go straight. The path forward is left, so I recommend choosing that. But if you do go straight, Mike will lock himself in the room, before forcing his way back out past the Wendigo and into the room on the left (you’ll be given three more target QTEs to do it).
You will have to move a filing cabinet to barricade the door. You will also be able to use the machete here if you still have it. Mike runs into the next room; don’t forget to lock the door behind you.
In the next room, Mike will hide behind a long table. Stay still to complete the ‘Don’t Move’ QTE. Upon completion, a regular QTE will follow to catch a bottle that rolls of the table.
This next section will involve several regular QTEs and target QTEs, as you dodge and shoot Wendigo. Near the end you will reach another outdoor, caged walkway. Mike will attempt to open the door, but the Wendigo are closing in. You need to grab and pull a barrel onto its side. Hit the QTE to kick the barrel toward the Wendigo. You will now be present with a target QTE; shoot the barrel and kill the two Wendigo.
Mike enters the next room; and you are gift control once more, but the moment is brief. Make your way through a long and essentially linear path until a Wendigo appears. Mike will run to the next door and a target QTE appears for you to shoot the lock.
On the other side you have a choice to make: Barricade; or Escape. If Wolfie is still alive, and you want to keep it that way, I recommend choosing to Barricade the door. If you don’t, Wolfie will die here.
Mike will run up some stairs and find himself trapped. You’re decisions on what target QTEs you shoot, will only effect where Sam finds Mike later in the chapter. I, personally, shot the first Wendigo on the wall and then a barrel straight after.
Player: Ashley
Ashley, Sam, Emily and Chris (if they have survived thus far) will be heading down into the sewers to try to reach Mike. Chris is feeling tired from his recent encounter with the Wendigo. You can choose whether to leave him behind or to wait for him.
Wait; or Leave
Wait (Recommended action) – If you wait for Chris, he will travel with the rest of the group and you won’t play the next section of the chapter. There are no unique collectibles in that section, so don’t think you have to play it. Also, if you choose this option and open the trapdoor later on, Chris will not be killed.
Leave – Leaving Chris behind means you will play an extra section with Chris catching up to the rest of the group. But it will guarantee his death if you open the trapdoor later.
Follow the rest of the survivors. About halfway, there is a small open area on the left of screen. On the ground is Danger Totem #5.
You’ll reach a dead end: the door you locked as Mike earlier in the chapter. Open the sewer grate to proceed. You and your party will venture into the sewers.
Ashley will suggest closing the grate which will cause her to fall behind the other. Follow the path ahead of you until you hear a scream from a hole in the wall. Assuming it is Jessica, Ashley will want to investigate.
Investigate Voice; or Rejoin Group
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Investigate Voice (Recommended action) – This leads you into an area with a totem.
Rejoin Group – You will rejoin the group missing the totem.
For those of you who chose to investigate the voice; this paragraph’s for you. Go deeper into the caves until you hear a rattling noise. You’ll soon see an area lit up ahead. First you’ll want to go across the screen to the left to find a small area containing Loss Totem #5. Now walk into the light. Here, there is a trapdoor rattling center-left of the screen. I recommend not going near the trapdoor as this will result in Ashley’s death as well as Chris’, if you left him behind. But it does award you with a trophy: You Let The Wrong One In!. Go around and past the trapdoor.
You now rejoin the group.
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Player: Chris
If you left Chris behind, you’ll be playing as him now. Follow the same path as you did with Ashley. You’ll be given the same choice to investigate the noise or to rejoin the group. You are able to collect the Loss Totem #5, if you happened to miss it when you were playing as Ashley. If the trapdoor is still closed, you can open it and get the trophy, but it will kill Chris. As I mentioned earlier, if the trapdoor was opened by Ashley, Chris dies in this section regardless of your decisions.
Asylum Game Cheats Chapter 8 Cheats
Player: Sam
Once we have everyone back together (or dead), Sam will volunteer to climb up and look for Mike. Complete the QTE to scale the rock face.
At the top you’ll be presented with three paths: drop down on the left; a dead end straight; and stairs going up to the right. I recommend taking the stairs on the right as a totem is up here, but the drop on the left will still get you to you final destination. Once you ascend the stairs, rocks will fall preventing you from going back. Along the walkway, it diverges with a path going left and some stairs straight ahead. Again the stairs lead to the totem. In this area the Death Totem #6 is on the ground; left of screen.
Now go back down the stairs to take the left path. Rocks will once more fall from the ceiling, to proceed hit the QTEs successfully. Grab a nearby lead pipe and drop down at the end of the walkway.
Mortal kombat game videos cheats. You’ll make your way to a heavy door and, depending on how Mike handles the Wendigo in the Sanatorium, either Mike will barge through or Sam will have to force the door open and head inside the Sanatorium. In any case, find Mike and protect him from the Wendigo with your handy, dandy lead pipe (or shovel if you dropped down on the left).
Walkthrough For Asylum Game
The two join in search for Josh.
Asylum Mystery Game Cheats
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