The following costumes become available when you search the indicated location. bClassic Black Suit/b Found under the Gazebo in the narrow park., The Amazing Spider-Man Xbox 360. Chapter 01 - Oscorp Is Your Friend Chapter 02 - Escape Impossible Chapter 03 - In the Shadow of Evils Past - p. 1 Chapter 03 - In the Shadow of Evils Past - p. 2 Chapter 04 - The Thrill of the Hunt - p. 1 Chapter 04 - The Thrill of the Hunt - p. 2 Chapter 05 - To Smash the Spider Chapter 06 - Smythe Strikes Back - p. 1 Chapter 06 - Smythe Strikes Back - p. 2 Chapter 07 - Spidey to the Rescue. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for The Amazing Spider-Man for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction.

All The Spider Man Costumes

Load the 'Raid On Oscorp' mission. Proceed through the mission until you leave the air vents, and a cutscene will begin, which can be skipped. Stealth kill four enemies, and then disposed of the final enemy as desired. After defeating the last enemy, pause the game. Select the 'Restart' option, then choose 'Yes' to restart from the last checkpoint, which is where you leave the air vents. Repeat this process until you reach the desired suit level. Note: The max suit level is 8.
Bonus costumesSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume. To change costumes, go to Peter Parker's closet at Aunt May's home. Open the 'Wardrobe' menu to cycle through the available costumes.
- Amazing Spider-Man (2012): Start the main campaign.
- Amazing Spider-Man (2014): Start the main campaign.
- Big Time: Clear one Russian hideout.
- Cosmic Spider-Man: GameStop pre-order bonus.
- Electro-Proof: PlayStation Network DLC.
- Flipside: Clear one Russian hideout.
- Hornet: Successfully complete all 15 race challenges.
- Iron Spider Armor: GameStop pre-order bonus.
- Noir Spider-Man: GameStop pre-order bonus.
- Ricochet: Unlocked during Story mode progression.
- Scarlet Spider (2012): Clear one Russian hideout.
- Spider Armor Mk. II: Clear one Russian hideout.
- Spider-Carnage: Successfully complete the game on any difficulty.
- Spider-Man 2099: Clear one Russian hideout.
- Superior Spider-Man: Successfully complete all 12 combat challenges.
- Symbiote: GameStop pre-order bonus.
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Successfully complete Chapter 6.
- Vigilante: Start the main campaign.
Search the indicated locations to find all 10 Black Cat journal audio logs and get the 'Lover' achievement. Note: All the other audio logs are not needed for any achievements in the game, and can be ignored. Five of Black Cat's journals can be found during Story missions. The other five are hidden in the open world. If you fully upgrade your Spider-Sense, they will be highlighted on the mini-map when you get close to them. Pause the game, and select the 'Messages' tab to see exactly which logs have been found. Each journal has its own number, allowing you to keep track of which ones are missing.
Easy 'Aerial Break' achievementShortly after the 'The Kingpin Of Crime!' mission begins, you will encounter the first armored enemy in the game. You will be given a short text tutorial. Keep disabling an enemy's armor until all the yellow heavy armor disappears. Then, attack with a standard Web-Strike to get the 'Aerial Break' achievement. Note: You do not have to kill the enemy with the Web-Strike.
Easy 'Friendly Fire' achievementThe Amazing Spider Man Game Costumes Cheats Pc Games
During the Carnage Boss fight in the 'Maximum Carnage' mission, you can activate levers around the room to release a burst of fire near them. This must be done in the second half of the Boss fight, after Cletus Kasady turns into Carnage. Simply stand under the levers, wait for Carnage to get close to you, and pull them. When Carnage jumps up the wall, activate all the levers around the room and hit him with a Seismic Blast to make him fall down into the fire. Do this three times to get the 'Friendly Fire' achievement.
Easy 'I'm On A Roll!' achievementThe Amazing Spider Man Game Costumes Cheats Pc Free
You can easily achieve a combo streak of 42 during the combat challenges, which can be started at the arcade machine in Stan's Comic Book Store (marked with a blue book-symbol on your map). Simply keep attacking the last remaining enemy of a round with the Web-Strike attack (RB). The Web-Strike does not actually do any damage, allowing you to keep using the move until you have reached the 42 streak combo to get the 'I'm On A Roll!' achievement.
Easy 'Sneaky' achievement
There are five Russian hideouts in the game, and they are displayed with a purple eye-symbol on your map. They will appear automatically after making some progress in the story. Go to the southern most hideout, as it is very easy and quick to complete. Once you are inside, web-rush to the ceiling, and you should see the target below (a container with a new suit). Simply defeat the nearby guards, then go to the container to complete the hideout. You must ensure the awareness level (the bar in the top left corner of the screen) remains at zero to get the 'Sneaky' achievement. If you raise your awareness level, pause the game, and choose to restart. The hideouts disappear once you have completed them.
Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
- Human: Completed the game on Human difficulty.
- Hero: Completed the game on Hero difficulty.
- Super Hero: Completed the game on Super Hero difficulty.
- Bookworm: Collected all Spider-Man comic books.
- Lover: Retrieved all parts of Black Cat's journal.
- Special Agent: Retrieved all parts of Menken's journal.
- Investigator: Retrieved all parts of Detective's journal.
- I'm on a Roll!: Achieved a combo streak of 42.
- Stay Down!: Performed 15 signature moves.
- Breaker: Destroyed 20 body armors.
- Know Your Enemies: Unlocked all character bios.
- Reporter: Completed all photo challenges.
- All Tied Up: Defeated 50 enemies by performing stealth takedowns.
- Drop It!: Disarmed 50 enemies.
- Fashionista: Unlocked all suits.
- Infiltration: Completed all hideouts.
- Luchador!: Completed all combat challenges.
- Can't Hit Me: Achieved 30 multidodges.
- Timing Is Everything: Achieved 100 critical hits.
- Lightweight Champion: Defeated 100 enemies.
- Middleweight Champion: Defeated 300 enemies.
- Heavyweight Champion: Defeated 500 enemies.
- Hero of the People: Saved 50 civilians.
- Ultimate Spider-Man: Reached maximum levels for all suits.
- State of the Art: Unlocked all concept art.
- True Hero: Heroism to the maximum.
- Enforcer: Completed 10 deadlock situations.
- Fireman: Completed 10 building on fire situations.
- Guardian Angel: Completed 10 rescue situations.
- Vigilante: Completed 10 petty crime situations.
- Fast-Tracker: Completed 5 races.
- Master of the Web: Performed 50 signature moves.
- Sneaky: Completed a hideout without being spotted.
- Hunter of Killers: Photographed all Cletus Kasady symbols.
- Shocking!: Defeated Shocker.
- The Hunter, Hunted: Defeated Kraven.
- Lovers' Quarrel: Defeated Black Cat.
- Is It Over?: Defeated Cletus Kasady.
- You Are Under Arrest: Defeated Kingpin.
- The Green Goblin: Defeated Green Goblin.
- Switch Off: Defeated Electro.
- Now It Is Over: Defeated Carnage.
- Friendly Fire: Damaged Carnage with fire at least 3 times before defeating him.
- Shotgun: Acquired the Seismic Blast ability.
- Disintegrator: Acquired the Ionic Web ablity.
- Aerial Break: Destroy any armored enemy using Web-Strike.
Amazing Spider Man Costume Child
Cheat CodesEnter one of the following codes at the 'Cheats' section of the 'Specials' option at the main menu to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Unlock everything | LEANEST |
God mode | ADMNTIUM |
Infinite webbing | GLANDS |
Full health | WEAKNESS |
What If? mode | UATUSEES |
Character viewer | RGSGLLRY |
View FMV sequences | CINEMA |
All comic books | FANBOY |
Level select | MME WEB |
All comic book covers | KIRBYFAN |
Storyboard Viewer | ROBRTSON |
Cartoon Spider-Man | FUNKYTWN |
Stickman Spider-Man | STICKMAN |
Quick Change Spidey costume | SM LVIII |
Ben Reilly costume | CLUBNOIR |
Peter Parker costume | MRWATSON |
Amazing Bag Man costume | KICK ME |
Scarlet Spider costume | XILRTRNS |
Spidey Unlimited costume | SYNOPTIC |
Captain Universe costume | TRISNTNL |
Spidey 2099 costume | MIGUELOH |
Symbiote Spidey costume | SECRTWAR |
J. James Jewett | RULUR |
Pulsating head | EGOTRIP |
Comic book locationsLevel | Location | |
Bank Approach | On top of the Fantastic Four Building. | |
Hostage Situation | Under the chair in the cubicle. The cubicle is located on the second half of the level. | |
Stop The Bomb! | After freeing the hostages, return to the hallway just prior to the first security door. | |
Race To The Bugle | When the game cuts to the FMV of the two henchmen, you can find the comic on the right side of the big building. | |
Spidey vs. Scorpion | After destroying all of the furniture in the room, the comic will appear in the middle. | |
Police Chopper Chase | On the last building, look behind the box on the right-front. | |
Building Top Chase | Inside the Goblin Crane Lair. | |
Scale The Girders | On the left side of the building on the ledge. | |
Police Evaded | The building with the skylights that get destroyed has the comic. Shoot the broken glass. It will be located behind the class. | |
Spidey vs. Rhino | After destroying every barrel in the level you can find the comic in the middle of Electric Pylons. | |
Catch Venom | Located on the incomplete building. | |
Catch Venom | Located on the roof of one of the buildings. | |
Spidey vs. Venom | Lift the car and toss it aside. The comic will appear. | |
Sewer Entrance | This comic is located inside the first hallway. Walk to the Cavern and then return. | |
Sewer Cavern | Behind the waterfall. | |
Sewer Plant | Walk down the hallway and make your first left, walk to the end. | |
Hidden Switches | Press the fourth switch and return to the third switch. | |
Tunnel Crawl | Hit the switch on the first box, the comic will be in the second box. | |
The Lizard's Maze | Talk to the lizard, the comic will appear near by. | |
Symbiotes Infest Bugle | In the vent with the Hostage. | |
Elevator Descent | Walk down the Hallway, it will be at the bottom-left. | |
Stop The Presses | Lift and throw the stack of paper located on the second half of the level. | |
Bugle's Basement | Shoot all four leaking pipes. The comic will become revealed when the furnace on the left explodes. | |
Spidey vs. Mysterio | Destroy all of the target on the first stage, the comic will become visible on the bottom level. | |
Waterfront Warehouse | Look in the alcove. | |
Waterfront Warehouse | At the end of the level, just prior to opening the vent that leads to the next level, you must locate the hidden room behind the grating. It is the last grating before the end of the level. | |
Underwater Trench | In the second machinery room is a hidden switch. Return to the part where all of the gun turrets are (at the beginning of the level) and access the secret door. | |
Stopping The Fog | In the center column, a small room will be located in the bottom portion. | |
Spidey vs. Doc Ock | It will appear after Doc Ock's shield regenerates the first time. It will only appear for a few seconds, so grab it quickly. | |
Spidey vs. Carnage | In the middle of the bubble it will appear and disappear and then appear and then disappear. | |
Spidey vs. Monster-Ock | At the first bend in the pipe. | |
Spidey vs. Monster-Ock | About 3/4 of the way through the level. |