PAR CODE GUIDE BREATH OF FIRE SNES - VERSION 2 BY IVAN FERREL - Contents - 1 Disclaimer 2 PAR Codes 3 Legal stuff 4 Thanks - 1 Disclaimer - I'm not responsible for what happens if any use the codes and cause damage to your game of course if used the way discribe here nothing bad happens - 2 PAR Codes - Note:.Move. Retro game cheats for Breath Of Fire 2 (SNES). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games.
Getting The Emperor Sword
Check by the throne after defeating Jade to discover the Emperor Sword. Search the right hand pillar in the same room for the Star Hammer. Use this in combat to produce the Comet spell effect.

With the Sphere, you can also reach Tunlan. Fall down a pit to the left of the vault in the princess's house, then search the box to find the Rod5. This is used to fish at the wells.

The Tri-Rang can be found behind Pagoda after Nina learns how to fly, and before Pagoda has been activated. Search directly behind the twin towers of Pagoda to find it.
When you visit Bleak, go to the boy who thinks he is a magician. He will say 'Put a hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear'. Agree to his request and wait for him to say 'Look behind you.' Say 'No' twice, then say 'Yes'. You should see Chun Li practicing her lightning kick.
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