General information
Game Name: Endless Legend Game Engine: Unity Game Version:1.7.1 or 1.7.2 Options Required: Resources management, fast construction/research and infinite movement Game/Steam Website: Link Other Info.
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Endless Legend Cheat Table
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Endless Legend Race Guide
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Endless Legend Cheat
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Endless Legend Pc Cheats
- (Belch!): Win with the Necrophages.
- A Byte of Barons: Have 8 heroes.
- All Roads Lead to Me: Get 20 trade routes or more starting from, crossing or reaching your empire.
- Asleep at the Wheel: Win a game in Easy or higher difficulty against AI.
- Barely Broke a Sweat: Win a game in Serious or higher difficulty against AI.
- Battlefield Buffet: With the Necrophages, use 10 cadaver boosters.
- Bigger Is Better: Win an Expansion Victory.
- Boot Camp: Finish the basics of tutorial.
- Cage Match: Win a game in multiplayer with one another human at least.
- Cash Cow: Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Dust.
- Cities Builder: Have two cities in less than 15 turns.
- Corridors of Power: Have one city which produces more than 500 Influence.
- Cruise Control: Win a game in Newbie or higher difficulty against AI.
- Dice with the Universe: Win a Science Victory.
- Diplomanic: Win a Diplomatic Victory.
- Diplomeisters: Win with the Drakken.
- Endless Gamer: Play for 10 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
- Endless Leveling: Level up a hero to level 15.
- Epilogue: Finish the last chapter of a faction quest.
- Fast Start: Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on hard or higher difficulty.
- Fighting for Peace: With the Drakken, win a game without having been in war.
- Float Like a Butterfly: With the Wild Walkers, win a battle against at least 4 enemies without taking any damage.
- Gaze Upon It and Tremble!: Win a Wonder Victory.
- Guinea Pig: Use a booster of each luxury resource, across any number of playthroughs.
- Harvester: Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Food.
- Helping Hand: Complete 250 quests, across any number of playthroughs.
- Here Comes the Cavalry: With the Vaulters, teleport 10 units in a besieged city in one turn.
- Heroic Patience: Play for 1 000 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
- I <3 Minions: With the Cultists, have 20 converted villages at the same time.
- I Am the Eternal End: Win an Elimination Victory.
- I Did It My Way: Win with a Custom Faction.
- Internal (and External) Revenue Service: With the Roving Clans, get more than 1 000 Dust from the Market Place taxes.
- Just in Case: Have 100 of each strategic resource.
- Just Warming Up: Win a game in Normal or higher difficulty against AI.
- Ka-ching!: Win with the Roving Clans.
- Know Thy Enemy: Finish the last chapters of every faction quests, across any number of playthroughs.
- Labs and Fabs: Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Science.
- Landscaping: With the Ardent Mages, have 5 pillars at the same time.
- Madder than Max: Kill a roving city.
- Making Friends: Assimilate 3 minor factions.
- Massively Mass Production: Have one city which produces more than 1 000 Industry.
- Maxed Out: Activate all the 4th levels in the Empire Plan.
- Maybe It Does Buy Happiness: Win an Economic Victory.
- Me and Croesus: Gain 1 000 000 of Dust, across any number of playthroughs.
- Mwa ha ha ha haaa!: Win a Supremacy Victory.
- No Pain, no Gain: Win with the Ardent Mages.
- Numbers. They Don't Lie.: Win a Score Victory.
- Pheidippides: Explore 1 000 tiles before the 50th turn.
- Piece of (True) Cake: Win a game in Impossible or higher difficulty against AI.
- Press the Flesh: Play a game in multiplayer with one another human at least.
- Quick Out of the Blocks: Be the faction with the highest score at turn 25 playing on Endless difficulty.
- Real Estate Mogul: Build 100 improvements in your entire Empire in one game.
- Resistance Is Useless: Pacify 500 villages, across any number of playthroughs.
- Scourge of Auriga: Kill 1 000 units, across any number of playthroughs.
- Share This!: Win with the Wild Walkers.
- So Outta Here: Win with the Vaulters.
- Squirreling Away: Produce a Food, a Science, and an Industry stockpile in one game.
- Stimulated: Have 5 active luxury boosters at the same time.
- Strove, Sought, Found, Did Not Yield: Win a game in Hard or higher difficulty against AI.
- The End is Nigh: Win with the Cultists of the Eternal End.
- The Learner Is Now the Master: Win a game in 'Endless' difficulty against AI.
- The Not So Broken Lords: With the Broken Lords, have a district producing more than 10 Dust.
- Toe in the Water: Play for 10 turns, across any number of playthroughs.
- Un-Broken: Win with the Broken Lords.
- Urban Sprawl: Have 3 districts at level 2 in one of your cities.
- What's Mined is Mine: Exploit each kind of strategic resource.
- Who, Me?: Raze a friendly city with privateers.