Goldeneye 007 Cheat Codes: - Go to multiplayer and select 'Man with the Golden Gun' in the Archives. When the game starts someone must get the Golden Gun. When the Golden Gun has been acquired by someone arm the Golden Gun and then run up to aone of the boxes that are present and shoot it. Run into the flame so that it hurts you. Cheat menu unlocks - 007 goldeneye cheats You should be familiar with the main 007 GoldenEye cheat menu. You can use these button cheats or you can actually learn how to play GoldenEye N64 and peramanently unlock these cheats in the menu. Of couse the choice is yours.

Enter '<477MYFR13NDS4R3SP13S>' as a case-sensitive code to enable Big Head mode in 'Local Multiplayer' games. Reset the game to its default options to return to normal.
Invisibility modeEnter 'Inv1s1bleEv3ryth1ng' as a case-sensitive code to unlock the 'Invisibility Mode' option at the 'Multiplayer Split-Screen' section of the 'Modifiers' menu. While playing the game, press B to become invisible instead of sprinting.
Tag modeEnter 'NotIt!!!11' as a case-sensitive code to unlock the 'Tag' option at the 'Multiplayer Split-Screen' section of the 'Modifiers' menu. Tag mode requires three or more players.
Switch weapon loadouts in Multiplayer modeDuring a split-screen match in Multiplayer mode, hold 2 and press Left or Right to change your weapon. On a Classic Controller or Pro, hold Minus and press Left Analog-stick Left or Right. On a GameCube controller, hold Z and press A. When the scoreboard appears, press Left or Right.
Goldeneye Cheat Code

Goldeneye 007 Cheat Codes N64
Reach the indicated level in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding item:
Goldeneye 007 In Game Cheats Ps4
- Level 2: Reflex Sight (Attachment)
- Level 3: AK-47 Assault Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 4: Snap Shot (Gadget 3)
- Level 5: Sigmus 9 Submachine Gun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 6: Distraction (Gadget 1)
- Level 7: SEGS 500 Shotgun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 8: Heavy Hitter (Gadget 2)
- Level 9: Pavlov ASR Sniper Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 10: P99 Pistol (Secondary Weapon)
- Level 11: Kallos-TT9 Assault Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 13: Hi Cap Magazine (Gadget 1)
- Level 15: Speed Loader (Gadget 2)
- Level 16: Stauger UA-1 Submachine Gun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 17: Bio Booster (Gadget 3)
- Level 18: PT-9 Interdictus Shotgun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 19: Timed Mine (Gadget 1)
- Level 20: Silencer (Attachment)
- Level 21: Hawksman M5A Pistol (Secondary Weapon)
- Level 22: Reactive Armor (Gadget 2)
- Level 23: Laser Pointer (Attachment)
- Level 25: Terralite III Assault Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 26: Toros AV-400 Sniper Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 28: Mine Sweeper (Gadget 3)
- Level 29: Vargen FH-7 Submachine Gun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 31: Kunara V Pistol (Secondary Weapon)
- Level 32: Drumhead Type-12 Shotgun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 33: ACOG Scope (Attachment)
- Level 35: Remote Trigger Mine (Gadget 1)
- Level 36: Light Foot (Gadget 2)
- Level 37: Talon HL 450 Sniper Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 38: Thermal Scope (Attachment)
- Level 41: Anova DP3 Assault Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 42: Multi Task (Gadget 3)
- Level 45: Strata SV-400 Submachine Gun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 47: WA2000 Sniper Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 50: Last Act of Defiance (Gadget 3)
- Level 51: Wolfe .44 Pistol (Secondary Weapon)
- Level 52: Masterton M-557 Shotgun (Primary Weapon)
- Level 52: Polarized Contact Lense (Gadget 2)
- Level 53: Proximity Mine (Gadget 1)
- Level 54: Grenade Launcher (Attachment)
- Level 55: Gambit CP-208 Sniper Rifle (Primary Weapon)
- Level 56: Ivana Spec-R Assault Rifle (Primary Weapon)