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Game Show Island was the 22nd island on Poptropica. In it, the player competes in game shows to save Poptropica from robots. 1 Summary 2 Sneak Peek Game 3 Full Walkthrough 4 First 10 Finishers 5 Characters 6 Items 7 Poptropica Store Exclusive 8 Places 9 Memorable Quotes 10 Videos 11 Trivia 12 Glitches 13 Gallery For the main article on Game Show Island's sneak peek game, Money Ladder, go here.
Robot City
When you land on Game Show Island you will see that robots rule the city and humans Poptropicans are treated like slaves. The second building to your left (Robo-Bling Boutique)is the multiplayer room.
Go in the museum, which is the first building to your left. Watch the video and it will explain what has happened. Then ask the man in a cardboard robot suit to borrow his toolbox. The box is on the Robo-Bling Boutique’s roof. Now go to Club Nouveau Riche. The guard will think your here to fix the air conditioner and lets you go inside. Talk to the robot manager. Now leave the club and go left, into the factory. Then go inside the building, left, and up. Use the crane to go up and down.
The Fan of the Fan
on the second floor of the crane click the computer to open the door on the third floor.
Then use your toolbox to open the main power box on the third floor and click the switch labeled Robot Factory. A worker will thank you and give you a fan. Now go back to the club and use the fan on the club manager. He gives you a nickle for your troubles. (Only a nickle?!?)
The Inventor
Go to the factory again and to the left, give the nickle to the hobo — I mean, poor man. Then he’ll give you a pair of heat vision goggles. (Score!) Go back to the club and put on your new shades. Was that a person in the air ducks? The vent is sealed shut, so go outside. There’s a window, but it’s too high up. So use that extra powerful fan of yours to fly up there!
Man the window is bolted shut too. Good thing you got your toolbox! Wait — couldn’t you have used to toolbox to open the vent? That’s unfair. Anyway open the window and head inside. That explains the AC not working… hey is that the inventor?!? Now you have to chase him! Go to the top level and push that old record player to the right. Now you’re on the second level, wait, no first. The Inventor really doesn’t want to get caught! Go left and up the rope. Then to the right, up the ladder, and to the roof, by using the heat vision goggles to crack the code. If your too lazy, the code is 2-0-1-4. (2014? hhhmmm) Once you corner the Inventor on the roof, he’ll tell you his side of the story. He gives you the keys to his jet so you can beat all the game shows and inspire the humans to take back their island!
Scaredy Pants

Fly to the first place: Istanbul. Here you will have to beat your first game show: Scaredy Pants. (I mean no offense!) But you have to get a ticket! Go to the far right and talk to the worker. Help him with his problem and you’ll get a ticket to the game show. Take the blue brick and put it on the orange empty spot. Then take the long orange brick and put it on the other free spot. Take the blue brick and put it on that long orange brick. Put the white brick on the free spot, take the blue on top of the fat orange brick, and put the long orange on the white. Then put blue on top of long orange and move fat orange to the free spot. Put the blue on the fat orange, the long orange on the free spot, and then the blue on the long orange. Finally the white goes on the fat orange, move the blue to the free spot, the long orange on top of the white and then the blue on top of the long orange. Everything should be on the fourth spot and in the right order. I hope that wasn’t confusing!
Yay! You got the ticket! Try to come in first in each race. The overall score is the one that matters though. For the first race you go all the way to the left, down, to the right, down, and left. Then you have to grab the glow stick and bring it back. 1st place gets 10,000 points, 2nt gets 5,000 and 3rd gets 0. Try your best! In the second challenge you have to put the creatures in their right bins. Rats, snakes, and spiders, oh my! Try to do this as quickly as possible to come in 1st. 1st place gets 12,000 points, 2nt gets 6,000 and 3rd gets 0. The last trial is to cross a high wire with only 5 tries. Try not to fall! And watch out for those fans! Speed is not the key in this one! 1st place gets 18,000 points, 2nt gets 9,000 and 3rd gets 0. Good luck! If you came in first overall you win! Congrats!
Spin for Riches
Now fly to Miami. Walk right to the 2 robots. Looks like they need to work out some problems… Anyway talk to the man robot and help him to get your game show ticket. Turn the platform that the prize is on to the right, the one it will land on to the left, and then the next one to the right, so the robot can catch the prize. But don’t start with the platform with the prize! For the next prize, turn the same 3 platforms the way you did before, then the one above the window to the left, the one above that to the left, the one below the prize the the left, and the prize to the right. For the last prize turn all the platforms the way you turned them before. Then the platform next to the window to the right, the one above that to the right, the one below the prize to the left and the prize platform to the left as well.
Yay! Now you got a Spin for Riches ticket! Now this is about knowledge and luck. It’s a lot like hangman. If you know the answer solve it, but if you don’t spin the wheel. Each letter is worth 100 points and if you win a round you get 1,000 points. They will ask you a random question out of 15. Here they are, along with answers:
- George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but not John Adams:
Virginians - Name of a disco song and a weekend night text when you’re sick:
Saturday night fever - Every breath you take
- Garfield
- Her Dry-cleaner
- The national anthem
- Zack and Cody (of the Suite Life of Zach and Cody)
- Who invented the moonwalk, that was not Michael Jackson:
- Better come inside if you see these:
- According to a Tee shirt, he has many emotions:
- Two great tastes that taste great together:
- No one can call him a blockhead:
- The band, not the bug:
- Advice to give to a frog:
- Spaceman Spiff’s alter ego:
Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)
If you come in 1st overall, you win! Congrats!

Now fly to Buenos Aires. To get your next game show ticket you have to fix a clock. Go to the left. It’s too heavy for you, but the nice, muscle man robot will help you. Click the pipes until they form one strait line. The robot gives you his ticket for Kerplunk because he’s too tired. Yay!
This game show is all about speed, agility, and timing. Try to go through all the obstacle courses as fast as you can. Try not to fall, timing is key! If you come in 1st overall, you win! Congrats!
Now fly to Moscow. Go down and right and talk to the confused looking robot. Help him fix all the windows so the chopper can land. Sadly the pattern is different for everyone so just try your best! After you figured out the code and signaled the chopper go up to the chopper and talk to the man. He’ll give you his game show ticket for your trouble. Yay!
Time to see if your a brainiac! It’s a lot like the show Jeopardy. There will be a question, 3 answers, and you have to be the first to buzz in. And there area lot of questions, and it’s not always the same thing, so I sadly can’t give you the answers. But if you don’t know most of the subjects, try to pick the Poptropica related subjects, like World of Poptropica. (BTW: You don’t have to really buzz in, just pick the right answer!) The last question is tricky. Deciding how much you wager depends on how much your opponents have. If you have the most points overall, congrats! You win!
Cheat:If you know the answers, but can’t click them quick enough, pick the category, then click the pause button in the top right corner, so you can see the answers as long as you want!
Mr. Yoshi’s Super, Terrific Challenge
Now fly to Tokyo. Go right into a door labeled service entrance. Because there’s no time to eat or but clothes! Click the different pieces of wire the connect one end to the other, before the water comes. There will be a total of 4 sections.
After you fix the power Mr. Yoshi invites you to be on Mr. Yoshi’s Super, Terrific Challenge! This is probably the hardest yet. And the most embarrassing. The object in this game show is to amuse Mr. Yoshi. If you amuse him in each challenge you win! In the first challenge you are dressed up as a baby. You have to rotate blocks until you find the letters to spell Yoshi and then put the blocks on top of each other in order.
If you complete the challenge and amuse Mr. Yoshi you can continue onto the next challenge. In the next challenge you are a chicken who has to break out of an egg. You have to click your mouse repeatedly, as fast as you can to get out. I think it helps if you have a laptop with a mouse plugged in, so you can click on the hand mouse and the laptop mouse! Good luck! Chicken…
If you break out of the egg and amuse Mr. Yoshi you can go on to the next challenge. In the final challenge you are *giggle* a bowling ball. *giggle* Sorry I can’t hold it in any more! *bursts out laughing* Baby! Hahah! Chicken! Hahah! Now a… Bowling Ball! *cough* *cough* Sorry. Anyway you have to chase down all the pins.
After you knock all the pins down, if Mr. Yoshi is amused you win! Congrats! And by this time your on every T.V.! Everyone can’t believe that you won! You showed them! Even if you were *giggle* a chicken at first. So head back to main street.
Season Finally
It’s not over yet! Time to “fix” Holmes. But the robo-cops are chasing you now! The only chance you have is to go into the man hole with whoever is calling you. Good thing it’s the inventor. Now you have to go the only way you can. But it’s not that easy. You have to connect all wires to open each door, while running from robots, and trying not to get tricked by Holmes’s offers
Once you get to Holmes, upload the file on the thumb drive that the inventor gave you. Holmes will turn nice again and you win the Game Show Island medallion! You have finished Game Show Island! Congrats!
Written By: Spotted Dragon
Robots rule this island far in the future of Poptropica. Poptropica citizens have already lost their hope for a brighter future but they do not have to worry because you finally came to this island to beat the supercomputer Holmes and restore rule to the humans. Surely you’ll bring inspiration for them all.
There are lots of different puzzle games to accomplish but using your wit and these simple guides you’ll surely win and will become the Game Show Island winner!
Getting Started
- When you arrived on the island, go to the right till you reach the Robo-Bling Boutique.
- Move upward to its roof top to get the Toolkit.
- Go down and go to the left and enter the Factory.
- Next, jump on the boxes to reach the upper platform then go to the right. You’ll see the control panel of the crane.
- There are three of these control panels you need to click to raise the crane to reach the above platform. Second one is on left and the last control panel is on top right side.
- When you reached the platform, walk to the right and click on the computer to raise the door on the power supply room.
- Click on the crane control panel, click red down button to move the crane downwards so that you can jump on it to reach the other platform on the right side.
- Walk to the right and use your toolkit to unscrew the power box which will appear on screen with four screws to unlock.
- Then click on the Robot factory section to restore its power, and then go down to the left, a woman worker will give you an electric fan. Leave the place.
- Run all the way to the right till you get on Club Nouveau Richie, talk to the robot outside. He will tell you to fix the air conditioner inside. So go on, walk inside the club.
- Walk to the left, talk to the guy with curly hair in front of the purple couch. Use your electric fan and he’ll give you a nickel in exchange.
- Now, head your way back to the left till you return to the Robot Factory. Walk a bit further right till you meet a guy near a little house on the left side of the building.
- Give him the nickel and he will give you the Heat Vision goggles.
- Return to Club Nouveau Riche, when you get inside wear your goggles immediately.
- You’ll have a different vision and you’ll see that someone or something went to the vent shaft.
- Go outside and move to the left to the vent, then use your electric fan when you are at the middle. This will fly you up and will land you on the platform in the vent.
- Next use your toolkit to unscrew the door. Get inside when you’re done.
- You’ll meet the guy with eyeglasses, you will talk to him and offer him some help but he’ll replied that he don’t believe you and you are just one of the Holmes’s henchmen in a human disguise.
- He will run and the Fog maker machine will fall, you need to get up and push the classical music player till it drops on below. He will also push you a giant ball when you get to a ladder making the ladder collapsed and falls together with you.
- Next walk to the right till you see a rope you need to climb up, and then go to the left and use the ladder to go up till you see a special panel access (roof access).
- Again wear your goggles and you’ll see the right numbers to click ( 2-0-1-4-2) then click enter. The panel will open and you can get in.
- At last you have corner him on top of the vent; you’ll meet Dr. Harold Langley, the inventor who created Holmes. He will show you on his upad on how he built Holmes and how it became a disaster. Now to help the poptropican people, you need to be a game show champion to bring back their hope for a brighter future.
Istanbul-Scaredy Pants Game Show

- In order to get into the show, Dr. Harold will give you a jet remote control, that when you use it, a jet plane will go on your place. Its control panel will show on screen, click Istanbul first and the jet will take you to that place.
- When you arrived on the place, go to the right and go upstairs with the electronic sign, Site under repair, do not pass!
- Walk to the right and talk to the guy with construction helmet and this will begin you first minaret puzzle game.
- It will take time but it is very easy, you just need to put the upper pieces on the empty pedestal or on top of the pieces with wider space. (Click on the 1st pc, put it on 3rd empty pedestal then click on the 2nd pc and put it on 4th empty pedestal, then click the 1st little pc and put it on top of the 2nd pc on the 4th pedestal. Then click on the 3rd pc then put it on the 3rd now empty pedestal and then click the 1st pc and put it on top of the 4th pc on the 2nd pedestal. Now put the 2nd pc and 1st pc on top of the 3rd pc on the 3rd pedestal. Next you’ll transfer the 4th pc on the 4th pedestal. Now put the 1st pc on top of the 4th pc then the 2nd pc on the 2nd empty pedestal. Now the 3rd pc on top of 4th pc, then the 1st pc on the 2nd now empty pedestal then put the 2nd pc on top of the 3rd pc and the 1st pc on top).
- After fixing the minaret, he’ll give you a ticket at the Scaredy pants competition.
- Use the ticket and you’ll be on the game show.
- The game show has three challenges. They are just easy but you need to be very fast to win each challenge.
- First the Darkness Dive-within 60 seconds you need to get the glow stick under the water on the bottom right corner. There are sea robots creatures that you need to avoid and have the right time to pass on them. They are blocking your way, so go down when they are up and vice versa.
- Next is Creeper Keepers– you need to grab on the creepy creatures-rats, spiders and snakes and put them on the bins with their sign or picture on it.
- Lastly is Tightrope Terror-You have 5 tries on this challenge. You have to cross the high wire with as few falls as possible. Use your cursor to move forward, but make sure to have a good balance. Just move your cursor on its opposite direction if you’re falling, example when it is lower right you move your cursor on upper left.
- When you win all these three challenges, you’ll become the winner of Scaredy Pants.
- You’ll re-appear outside and use your jet remote control to move on your next location.
Miami-Spin for Riches
Game Show Island Poptropica Guide
- When you get on this place, go to the right and you’ll see Ventana (the blonde girl) and the robot host arguing. You click on the robot host and he’ll tell you to get the prizes safely back to him to start the show.
- Then you’ll see Ventana drops the circle plate on the window, you have to tilt the awnings and make way for that plate to slide down on them through the middle where the robot host is waiting to catch them. When you make your way, push the plate to slide down the tilted awnings.
- Repeat the same process for the other two prizes and be more cautious because Ventana will drop these on the higher windows.
- When you successfully saved them all, the robot will invite you on his game show, Spin for Riches. He’ll give you a ticket which you can use to play the game.
- You have three rounds on this game. In each game you will be given three clues, just like on the famous Wheel of Fortune game, you need to solve the puzzle words. You take your spin and just click solve when you’re ready to answer the puzzle. Other players can steal a turn if you are not able to solve it quickly and may lose a turn as well.
- If you became the winner, you can now proceed on your next destination.
Buenos Aires-Kerplunk
- Go down and go to the left till you see a muscleman robot with a wheel as its legs.
- You will help him to get inside the gym but you need to fix the clock first.
- Click on the wall behind you and it will show on screen. Next you need to spin the rings till the cable will be one line to run the power supply and make the clock works. Click the first inner ring, then the outer ring and finally the middle ring.
- When you’re done the muscleman robot will ask you to take his place and will give you the Kerplunk ticket.
- There are three courses in here and all courses are about obstacles challenges. The host will explain game rules for every course, so pay attention! You need to get over the obstacles and reach your destination which is the transporter. The player with the fastest time will win.
- When you surpassed all of these and became the winner, get prepared on the next place.
- Move down to the right till you see a dizzy robot with circle of stars on his head.
- Talk to him and help him recognize the code.
- Jump on the windows above you, you would need to change the color of every window and turn the dial. When you get the right color, the robot will tell you it’s correct.
- When you get all the correct colors and the signal, the helicopter will land on top and the robot will give you a Brainiacs Ticket.
- This show is a question and answer portion. You pick a category and a question with multiple choices will appear. The player with the highest score will win.
Tokyo- Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge
Poptropica Islands Game
- Go to the right.
- Talk to the robots in front of Service Entrance sign.
- The one-eyed robot with red blinking light on its head will tell you to restore the electrical power.
- Just like the game on the Steamwork Island, you just need to click on the circuits to make a path for the electricity to reach the starting point.
- After doing the task. You’ll be given a ticket for Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge.
- You have three tasks to complete and must amused Mr. Yoshi for every task to win the game.
- When you’re done, exit the place.
- Use your jet remote control to return to Main Street.
Main Street-Final Battle with Holmes
Poptropica Game Show Island Miami
- When you arrived on Main Street, Holmes will call the attention of all robots to apprehend you.
- You will hear a whistle came from the hole near a tree.
- Go down to the left and enter the hole.
- You’ll get into Holmes’ Inner Sanctum and you will see Dr. Harold again. This is the place where he commands all robots.
- Dr. Harold will give you a thumb drive.
- Go to the left and click on the big monitor.
- A puzzle will appear, it is just like your ordinary slide tile puzzle. You need to complete the picture of the circuit’s path to complete the game.
- When you solve the puzzle, you’ll see Holmes and his robot guard.
- Run to the left and click again the monitor and start solving the second slide tile puzzle. After you solve it, a flap door will open.
- Go down inside to the left and solve the last puzzle. When you’re finished another flap door will open.
- Enter that door and you’ll find Holmes on that room.
- Run towards him and use the thumb drive. This will fix Holmes and bring him back to normal.
- Dr. Harold will appear to give you the Island medallion as a reward for being an inspiration that will bring back hope to people.
Poptropica Cheats
Island Mission Accomplished!