Deliver the two 'Kelbi Horns' right away to complete the quest. Take the two 'Kelbi Horns' from the reward box, and sell/collect the rest of the items. You will get 800 Zenny for completing this quest. Repeat this process as many times as desired for easy Zenny. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. Is a high definition remastering of the game for the PlayStation 3, and is the first of Sony's 'PSP Remasters' series for the PS3. The game was released in Japan on August 25, 2011.

Action Replay Codes
Sell 1 Item and Get 10:
0404BB60 3800000A
Gain/Use Items/Ammo Get 10
0404BB60 3800000A
Add 1000 to Attack
042703AC 41800004
No Reload
04287DA0 38030000
**NOTE** Contributor says that this cheat will only work if used alongside the unlimited Ammo cheat.
Gathering/Carving Mod Rusted
043BAF0C 3860006E
Gathering/Carving Mod Ancient
043BAF0C 3860006F
Gathering/Carving Mod Shining Charm
043BAF0C 386001B9
Gathering/Carving Mod Timeworn Charm
043BAF0C 386001BA
Patch Codes
Infinite Hp
+$Infinite Hp
Infinite Stamina
+$Infinite Stamina
Unlimited Carving and Resources
+$Unlimited Carving and Resources
Maximum Money
+$Maximum Money
Permanent Weapon Sharpness
+$Permanent Weapon Sharpness
On Hit LongSword Power Max (Charge Bar)
+$On Hit LongSword Power Max (Charge Bar)
That's all I have found for now. The Action Replay codes are pretty self-explanatory to use. I noticed that for the Sell 1 and Get 10 code, using the action replay manager ingame won't work. To turn it on you have to manually turn it on with properties, and vice versa to turn it off.
To use the patches, right click on the game in the dolphin game list. Click on the patches tab, then at the bottom you will see a button that says 'Config.' Click it and look for the line that says:
Quote:[OnFrame] Add memory patches to be applied every frame here.
Push enter to start a new line below this and then copy and paste whichever code you want. Example:
Quote:[OnFrame] Add memory patches to be applied every frame here.
+$Infinite Hp
+$Permanent Weapon Sharpness
[ActionReplay] Add action replay cheats here.
This is with Infinite HP and Permanent Sharpness.
Warning about the patches:
I don't know for all of them, but for the Infinite HP one at least, anytime I use it, the patch is permanent, meaning even if I turn it off and even if I delete it from the config file, I will still have infinite HP in the game. The only way I found to fix this is to re-extract your dolphin revision.
ANOTHER WARNING!!!! If you are going to re-extract your dolphin game MAKE SURE TO MOVE YOUR SAVE FILES OUT!!! Otherwise you may end up overwriting them and finding yourself starting over
Otherwise good luck.
Psp Game Monster Hunter 3 Cheats Xbox 360
Here is the 3 easy Steps to Install Monster Hunter CWCheats on your PSP whether Fat or slim version
Step 1. Copy the cheat codes
Terminator 3 rise of the machines game cheats. Fight TX Endoskeleton in all battlesAt the code entry screen, press Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle(4).
Peak games toyblast cheat time. This way others who know the answer can help you by sharing their own tips and advices. Welcome to the walkthrough for the iOS game Toy Blast, if you are looking for ways to make it to the next level, and to improve gaming experience as a master player, you've come to the right place. Here you will find Toy Blast tips, tricks and guides, as well as the opportunity to share your own discoveries to help others move on and beat the game.If you can’t find the answer to your question you are welcome to post it in the comments section below.
Step 2. Connect your psp to the PC once connected look for the seplugins folder in your memory stick. You’ll find it inside the CWCheats forlder, open it. You’ll find Cheat.Db.
Step 3. Open CHEAT.DB via text editor such as notepad or wordpad. Jeopardy wii rom. Paste the cheat code in the bottom of the cheat.db then save. How to run cheat engine and game at same time.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Cheat code below:
_S ULUS-10391
_G Monster Hunter Freedom Unite(USA)
_C0 Inf. Money
_L 0x21203490 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 Max Pokke Points
_L 0x21203488 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 MaxGuild Point
_L 0x2120348C 0x05F5E0FF
_C0 Neko Skil Point
_L 0x212039BC 0x000F423F
_L 0x21203A2C 0x000F423F
_L 0x21203A9C 0x000F423F
_C0 All Medals
_L 0x81201640 0x00060001
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Auto Clear Quest
_L 0x01206628 0x00000032
_L 0x01206630 0x00000032
_C0 Super Run Speed
_L 0x008B3617 0x00000041
_L 0x008B3657 0x00000041
_C0 Max HP
_L 0x108B3864 0x00000096
_L 0x108B399E 0x00000096
_C0 Stamina Max
_L 0x108B3ADA 0x000001C2
_L 0x108B3BAE 0x000001C2
_C0 Time Fix
_L 0x2025B96C 0x00015F90
_L 0x21205F10 0x00013C68
_C0 Auto-Paint Bosses
_L 0x008B3BAA 0x000000FF
_C0 Invincible
_L 0x108B3804 0x00000000
_C0 Max Attack Drug
_L 0x008B390A 0x0000007F
_C0 Max Defense Drug
_L 0x008B390B 0x0000007F
_C0 Max Stamina Drug
_L 0x008B3BA2 0x000000FF
_C0 Max Sharpness
_L 0x108B4672 0x000001B5
_L 0x108B3B8C 0x000001B5
_C0 Gun Bow always loaded
_L 0x008B3BC4 0x0000000A
_L 0x008B3BFC 0x0000000A
_C0 No Gunlance Overheat
_L 0x108B3BF2 0x00000000
_C0 Max Weapon Charge
_L 0x108B3BF2 0x00000000
_C0 Max Taichi Charge
_L 0x108B46C0 0x00000064
_C0 Max Cat Level
_L 0x012039A2 0x0000000F
_C0 Max Cat Attack
_L 0x112039A6 0x00004725
_C0 Max Cat Defense
_L 0x112039AA 0x00004725
_C0 Set Inf Bombs & Traps
_L 0x2119A12C 0x00000000
_C0 Max force attack
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108180
_C0 Max all weapons Slot
_L 0x8015A116 0x047D0018
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max all weapons Defense
_L 0x8015A110 0x047D0018
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all weapons Critical
_L 0x8015A111 0x047D0018
_L 0x00000064 0x00000000
_C0 Max slots all long range
_L 0x80160CE4 0x015E001C
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max defense all long range
_L 0x80160CE2 0x015E001C
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Min recoil all long range
_L 0x80160CE3 0x015E001C
_L 0x00000006 0x00000000
_C0 Rapid reload all long range
_L 0x80160CEB 0x015E001C
_L 0x00000006 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Heads Defense
_L 0x801633A8 0x01B30028
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Heads Resistence
_L 0x801633A9 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000007F 0x00000000
_L 0x801633AA 0x01B30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_L 0x801633AC 0x01B30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Heads Slots
_L 0x801633AE 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Bodies Defense
_L 0x801677C8 0x01A30028
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Bodies Resistence
_L 0x801677C9 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000007F 0x00000000
_L 0x801677CA 0x01A30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_L 0x801677CC 0x01A30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Bodies Slots
_L 0x801677CE 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Wrists Defense
_L 0x8016B968 0x019A0028
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Wrists Resistence
_L 0x8016B969 0x019A0028
_L 0x0000007F 0x00000000
_L 0x8016B96A 0x019A0014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_L 0x8016B96C 0x019A0014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Wrists Slots
_L 0x8016B96E 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Waists Defense
_L 0x8016F9A0 0x01980028
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Waists Resistence
_L 0x8016F9A1 0x01980028
_L 0x0000007F 0x00000000
_L 0x8016F9A2 0x01980014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_L 0x8016F9A4 0x01980014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Waists Slots
_L 0x8016F9A6 0x01980028
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Feet Defense
_L 0x80173988 0x01A30028
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Feet Resistence
_L 0x80173989 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000007F 0x00000000
_L 0x8017398A 0x01A30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_L 0x8017398C 0x01A30014
_L 0x10007F7F 0x00000000
_C0 Max all Feet Slots
_L 0x8017398E 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000003 0x00000000
Shoe shuffle show game cheats 4. _C0 x99 Inv. items
_L 0x01204C48 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C4C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C50 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C54 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C58 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C5C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C60 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C64 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C68 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C6C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C70 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C74 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C78 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C7C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C80 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C84 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C88 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C8C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C90 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C94 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C98 0x00000063
_L 0x01204C9C 0x00000063
_L 0x01204CA0 0x00000063
_L 0x01204CA4 0x00000063
_C0 x99 Box Items [COLOR=Red][NOTE 1][/COLOR]
_L 0x8119D1CA 0x03E80004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000
_C0 [L+Select=ON/OFF]
_C1 HP Display [1/4]
_L 0x217F8060 0x24050000
_L 0x217F80A8 0x2A020003
_L 0xD0000005 0x10000101
_L 0xE10600FF 0x017F7F60
_L 0xE10200B3 0x00041DB4
_L 0x20041DB4 0x0A7FE000
_L 0x017F7F60 0x00000000
_L 0xE10200FF 0x017F7F60
_L 0x20041DB4 0x0E2099B3
_L 0x017F7F60 0x00000000
_L 0xD0000001 0x30000101
_L 0xE1010000 0x017F7F60
_L 0x017F7F60 0x000000FF
_C1 HP Display [2/4]
_L 0x217F7DFC 0x3C0208A6
_L 0x217F7E00 0x8C4432C8
_L 0x217F7E04 0xA4850120
_L 0x217F7E08 0xA4860122
_L 0x217F7E0C 0x01002821
_L 0x217F7E10 0x01203021
_L 0x217F7E14 0x01403821
_L 0x217F7E18 0x01604021
_L 0x217F7E1C 0x0A2244D3
_L 0x217F7E20 0x00000000
_L 0x217F7E24 0x03E00008
_L 0x217F7E28 0x00000000
_L 0x217F7E98 0x3C03089A
_L 0x217F7E9C 0x3463C830
_L 0x217F7EA0 0x00061040
_L 0x217F7EA4 0x00621821
_L 0x217F7EA8 0x94620000
_L 0x217F7EAC 0x10400002
_L 0x217F7EB0 0x24C60067
_L 0x217F7EB4 0x00403021
_L 0x217F7EB8 0x3C02089C
_L 0x217F7EBC 0x3442C5C4
_L 0x217F7EC0 0x00063080
_L 0x217F7EC4 0x00461821
_L 0x217F7EC8 0x8C630000
_L 0x217F7ECC 0x03E00008
_L 0x217F7ED0 0x00433021
_L 0x217F7F50 0x253A7325
_L 0x217F7F54 0x64252F64
_L 0x217F7F58 0x00000000
_C1 HP Display [3/4]
_L 0x217F8000 0x0E2099B3
_L 0x217F8004 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8008 0x3C0209FF
_L 0x217F800C 0xAC557FFC
_L 0x217F8010 0xAC547FF8
_L 0x217F8014 0xAC537FF4
_L 0x217F8018 0xAC527FF0
_L 0x217F801C 0xAC517FEC
_L 0x217F8020 0xAC507FE8
_L 0x217F8024 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8028 0x00000000
_L 0x217F802C 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8030 0x34100000
_L 0x217F8034 0x34110000
_L 0x217F8038 0x3C0209C1
_L 0x217F803C 0x34522240
_L 0x217F8040 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8044 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8048 0x3C0208A6
_L 0x217F804C 0x8C4432C8
_L 0x217F8050 0x2405000C
_L 0x217F8054 0x0E22437A
_L 0x217F8058 0x2406000E
_L 0x217F805C 0x0E22438E
_L 0x217F8064 0x00101080
_L 0x217F8068 0x02421021
_L 0x217F806C 0x8C530000
_L 0x217F8070 0x1260000D
_L 0x217F8074 0x00000000
_L 0x217F8078 0x0E7FDFA6
_C1 HP Display [4/4]
_L 0x217F807C 0x826601E8
_L 0x217F8080 0x00C04821
_L 0x217F8084 0x866A02E4
_L 0x217F8088 0x866B041E
_L 0x217F808C 0x3C0209FF
_L 0x217F8090 0x34487F50
_L 0x217F8094 0x24060090
_L 0x217F8098 0x20050005
_L 0x217F809C 0x0E7FDF7F
_L 0x217F80A0 0x00D13021
_L 0x217F80A4 0x26310010
_L 0x217F80AC 0x1440FFE6
_L 0x217F80B0 0x26100001
_L 0x217F80B4 0x00000000
_L 0x217F80B8 0x00000000
_L 0x217F80BC 0x3C0209FF
_L 0x217F80C0 0x8C557FFC
_L 0x217F80C4 0x8C547FF8
_L 0x217F80C8 0x8C537FF4
_L 0x217F80CC 0x8C527FF0
_L 0x217F80D0 0x8C517FEC
_L 0x217F80D4 0x0A210780
_L 0x217F80D8 0x8C507FE8
_C0 Attack x 1
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108000
_C0 Attack x 2
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108040
_C0 Attack x 4
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108080
_C0 Attack x 16
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108100
_C0 Infinite Carves
_L 0x81244DC6 0x00140020
_L 0x00000005 0x00000000
There you go guys. I hope this code works and hope that the game will be easier after you install it in your psp.
Monster Hunter Psp Download
* credits to Bless & thegamer1907 & Revial & baldassano2008 for the CWCheats code