Additional Cheats Go to the location where the game is installed e.g. C: Program Files Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 KellerGame Config Before proceeding further please make a Backup. For Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 8 cheat codes and secrets.
MTAR-21 assault rifle:Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Pc Game Cheat Codes Free
Hold RB and press Down2, Up2, X, B, X, B, Y, Up2, Y at the title screen.Stronger ragdoll effect:
Pause game play in Single Player mode then hold LB and press A2, B2, X2, Y2, A, B, X, Y.
Third person view:
Pause game play in Single Player mode then hold LB and press X, B, X, B, click Left Analog-stick2, press Y, A, Y, A, click Right Analog-stick2.
Laser bullets:
Host an online match on Xbox Live. It can be any match type, as long as you are the host. After the game begins, press Start. Then hold LB and Left Analog-stick2, press A, click Right Analog-stick2, press B, click Left Analog-stick2, press X, click Right Analog-stick2, press Y. The message 'GiDoeJoe Mode' will appear on everyone's screen to confirm correct code entry. Alpha team will shoot blue lasers and Bravo will shoot red lasers.
Comcast Optimized multi-player map:
Select the 'Extras' option at the main menu. Select the 'Comcast Gift' option, then enter COMCAST FASTER as a password on the virtual keyboard to unlock the 'Comcast Optimized' multi-player map.
Prequel bonus
Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an 'Elite rank'. When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet.
ACE points:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding number of ACE points.
Assault ACE points
3: Kill an enemy or player behind cover with penetrating weapons.
3: Kill an enemy or player with C4.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is using a mounted machinegun.
2: Kill an enemy or player with a frag grenade or breaching charge.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is using a riot shield.
Marksmanship ACE points

3: Kill an enemy or player at long range.
3: Kill an enemy or player when they are on a rope.
2: Kill an enemy or player while you are rappelling.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is sprinting.
1: Kill an enemy or player with a headshot.
Close Combat ACE points
3: Kill an enemy or player at short range.
3: Kill an enemy or player who is stunned or flashbanged.
3: Kill an enemy or player by blind-fire.
3: Kill an enemy or player from behind.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
That Wasn't So Hard 5 points: Complete a scene as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Completed Pic des Pyrnes 25 points: Complete Pic des Pyrnes in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Old Vegas 25 points: Complete Old Vegas in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Recreational Center 25 points: Complete Recreational Center in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Convention Center 25 points: Complete Convention Center in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Theater 25 points: Complete Theater in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Nevada Desert 25 points: Complete Nevada Desert in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Completed Estate 25 points: Complete Estate in Story Mode at any difficulty.
Freedom Shall Prevail 75 points: Complete the Story Mode on Realistic difficulty.
I Like the Sound it Makes 25 points: Kill 150 terrorists with a Shotgun.
Weapon Collector 30 points: Unlock every weapon in the game.
Rappel King 20 points: Kill 25 enemies while suspended from a rope.
My Name is Sam 25 points: Neutralize 5 terrorists in a row by performing headshots using a Sound Suppressor.
Gimme a High Five 10 points: Complete 5 scenes as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Here's for a Wicked Five 20 points: Complete 10 scenes as Bishop's teammate, Knight, in co-op Story mode at any difficulty.
Novice Hunter 5 points: Complete your first Terrorist Hunt mission at any difficulty.
Veteran Hunter 20 points: Complete 5 Terrorist Hunt missions at any difficulty.
Natural Leader 15 points: Lead your team to Victory 20 times in Team Leader with at least 6 players present.
Extreme Hunter 50 points: Complete all Terrorist Hunt missions on Realistic difficulty.
Bring it on 10 points: Complete a Terrorist Hunt mission at the hardest difficulty.
Pointman 10 points: Kill 50 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Triggerman 20 points: Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Gun Shark 25 points: Kill 300 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Eye of the Sniper 30 points: Kill 500 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Don't Mess With Me 45 points: Kill 1000 enemies in multiplayer adversarial with at least 6 players present.
Ace of Spades 15 points: Perform 5 consecutive kills without dying in an adversarial match without respawns
The Ace Always Wins 5 points: Win your first ranked match online.
Double or Nothin' 10 points: Win 2 ranked matches in a row.
Three of a Kind 15 points: Win 3 consecutive ranked matches in a row.
Royal Flush 30 points: Win 100 adversarial matches with at least 6 players present.
The House Always Wins 15 points: Host and win 10 matches with at least 6 players present.
My Hero 10 points: Rescue both Hostages 10 times in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Kamikaze 10 points: Plant and detonate 10 bombs in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Demo Expert 10 points: Defuse 10 bombs in Attack & Defend with at least 6 players present.
Covert Ops Specialist 10 points: Extract the intel item 10 times with at least 6 players present
Cluster Bomb 10 points: Kill 3 enemies at once using explosives with at least 6 players present
Sidearm Frenzy 25 points: Kill 100 enemies using a Pistol with at least 6 players present.
Come Closer 20 points: Kill 100 enemies using a shotgun with at least 6 players present
Spray and Pray 15 points: Kill 100 enemies using a Sub-Machine Gun with at least 6 players present.
Short Controlled Bursts 15 points: Kill 100 enemies using an Assault Rifle with at least 6 players present.
One Shot, One Kill 30 points: Kill 100 enemies using a Sniper Rifle with at least 6 players present.
Machine Gunner 20 points: Kill 100 enemies using a Light Machine Gun with at least 6 players present.
Private First Class 10 points: Achieve the rank of Private First Class.
Officer 30 points: Achieve the rank of Officer
Elite 50 points: Achieve the rank of Elite
Haute Couture 10 points: Create your own custom camouflage.
True Identity 20 points: Use the Xbox Live Vision to create a character with your appearance.
Display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect / Code
TAR21 assault rifle1 cheatcode 3311xbxby11y
M468 assault rifle2 cheatcode 1y3a4x2b442x
1. This is a 5.56mm assault rifle. It is compact and accurate and fires 850 rounds per minute. This weapon is ideal for Close Quarter Combat and is an excellent choice for a close range assault weapon.
2. This is a 6.8mm assault rifle. It is a high powered weapon and fires 750 rounds per minute. This weapon has an effective combat range of 600m, is ideal for defeating armored targets, and is best suited for long range encounters.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Cheats Pc
Prequel bonus
Have a saved game file from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas with an 'Elite rank'. When starting a new game in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 you will be given 2,500 experience points, the ballistic face mask, and flight helmet.
Marksman bonuses
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Level 1: 250 experience points
Level 2: SV 98 Sniper Rifle
Level 3: 500 experience points
Level 4: TAR21 Assault rifle
Level 5: 750 experience points
Level 6: M468 Assault Rifle
Level 7: 1,000 experience points
Level 8: 92FS Pistol
Level 9: 1,500 experience points
Level 10: M40A1 Sniper Rifle
Level 11: 2,000 experience points
Level 12: AUG A3 Assault Rifle
Level 13: 2,500 experience points
Level 14: PSG1 Sniper Rifle
Level 15: 3,000 experience points
Level 16: M8 Assault Rifle
Level 17: 4,000 experience points
Level 18: L85A2 Assault Rifle
Level 19: 5,000 experience points
Level 20: L96 Arctic Warfare Sniper Rifle
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Cheat Codes
CQB bonuses
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Level 1: 250 experience points
Level 2: SPAS 12 Shotgun
Level 3: 500 experience points
Level 4: UMP 45 SMG
Level 5: 750 experience points
Level 6: XM29 L5S Shotgun
Level 7: 1,000 experience points
Level 8: Glock 18 Pistol
Level 9: 1,500 experience points
Level 10: P90
Level 11: 2,000 experience points
Level 12: MP7A1 SMG
Level 13: 2,500 experience points
Level 14: Skorpion VZ83 SMG
Level 15: 3,000 experience points
Level 16: Type 95 SMG
Level 17: 4,000 experience points
Level 18: AUG PARA Assault Rifle
Level 19: 5,000 experience points
Level 20: 500 Tactical Shotgun
Assault bonuses
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Level 1: 250 experience points
Level 2: 21E LMG
Level 3: 500 experience points
Level 4: Desert Eagle Pistol
Level 5: 750 experience points
Level 6: G3KA4 Assault Rifle
Level 7: 1,000 experience points
Level 8: MG36 LMG
Level 9: 1,500 experience points
Level 10: Raging Bull Pistol
Level 11: 2,000 experience points
Level 12: AKS 74U Assault Rifle
Level 13: 2,500 experience points
Level 14: M249 SAW
Level 15: 3,000 experience points
Level 16: FNC Assault Rifle
Level 17: 4,000 experience points
Level 18: AK 47 Assault Rifle
Level 19: 5,000 experience points
Level 20: Shield
ACE points
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding number of ACE points.
Assault ACE points
3: Kill an enemy or player behind cover with penetrating weapons.
3: Kill an enemy or player with C4.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is using a mounted machinegun.
2: Kill an enemy or player with a frag grenade or breaching charge.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is using a riot shield.
Marksmanship ACE points
3: Kill an enemy or player at long range.
3: Kill an enemy or player when they are on a rope.
2: Kill an enemy or player while you are rappelling.
2: Kill an enemy or player who is sprinting.
1: Kill an enemy or player with a headshot.
Close Combat ACE points
3: Kill an enemy or player at short range.
3: Kill an enemy or player who is stunned or flashbanged.
3: Kill an enemy or player by blind-fire.
3: Kill an enemy or player from behind.