I’ve always been a fan of the Game Genie, more specifically the Game Genie for the Nintendo Entertainment System. When I was younger, video games were a lot more difficult than today. Usually a couple hits and you’re dead, 3 lives and it’s game over.
- Super Mario Bros Cheats
- Super Mario Bros Nintendo Game Genie Cheats Ps4
- Super Mario Bros Nintendo Game Genie Cheats Code
- Super Mario Bros Secrets Nintendo
Being able to save your game, or even have continues wasn’t usually standard. Some games did feature Passwords, but more often than not the piece of paper you’d scribble your codes on would end up lost, or in the trash.
Needless to say most people wouldn’t usually see the ending to most Nintendo games. That is until the Game Genie made it’s appearance.
Normal uses of the Game Genie were to give yourself more lives, infinite health, or infinite ammo. Not so normal uses (and what absolutely fascinated me) were to change level designs, alter the appearance of sprites, and basically just cause strange things to happen.
Game Genie is the name of a line of video game cheat cartridges originally designed by Codemasters and sold by Camerica and Galoob.The first device in the series was released in 1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, with subsequent devices released for the Super NES, Game Boy, Genesis, and Game Gear. Super Mario World Game Genie Codes (USA) If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window.
A long time ago I would create and collect these strange codes, and post them online on my old Geocities website. Having recently rediscovered my old Geocities website, I was inspired to share some of my own personal favorite codes.
In the video above, I narrowed hundreds of Super Mario Bros. codes down to my top 10 favorite:
#10 EVYIVY – Everything bounces when it hits the ground
#9 PIGNAX – Invisible Mario – Really changes the gameplay
#8 GAYSUK – Run off a platform and keep running in the air
#7 VGPNYA – Weird stuff comes out of power ups
#6 STAGEO – All bad guys throw hammers
#5 EKGAIS – CRAZY Cartoon colors
#4 PIGPOG – Spawns random enemies and obstacles
#3 NULTKA – All enemies are Toad
#2 NAPSIN – Kill all onscreen enemies with firepower
#1 YEAAAA – Very, very wacky craziness!
For this list of codes I used the US Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt cart. If you’re having problems with these codes make sure that’s the version of the game you’re using.
Here’s the list of codes from my old website:
Super Mario Bros. 1 – NES
KAGKAL: unbelievably fast goombas
NNAIKE: all power ups and stars kill you
ILOVET: Mario’s mouth opens and closes like Pac-Man when he walks
VILLGI: Mario walks backwards
IONATX: Beetles replace goombas
TXEPAG: weird bricks, more fire flowers in some worlds (1-2)
STAGEO + SPEPNY: extra difficult (koopas have hammers etc…)
KOYNAN: no sound when Mario jumps
OPASSE: 1up mushrooms are now power ups
AKEOIP: weird level
Cheat codes for xbox 360 game gears of war 3. VELITT: power ups disappear when hit, very few enemies
OVILLV: when you shoot a fireball, Mario makes the motion, but nothing comes out
GALLSS: when you hit a 10-coin block, only one coin comes out
SONETX: you control the demo
OKENGX: really weird
EKEOTO: invincible
Super Mario Bros Cheats
EOXNTI: weird sound FX – coins
AOXNTI: another weird sound for coins
PETEEE: no background, just foreground
TOSXUN: The screen scrolls along with you and part of it disappears. I can’t describe it.
EGENIE: Mario skates
XGONLY: Music starts and stops
AXEAXP: backgrounds change colors
IENTIA: 1UP mushroom floats in air
VXATSA: you see the enemies left of your screen when they’re really where they should be
OVEKSX: when you stomp enemies, they die but keep on moving
TVASNA: you appear invincible when you get a star, but you can still get hurt
USXEOX: when you hit a block, the block stays unharmed, but the thing inside still comes out.
ESTONE: The pipes you can go down look normal, the others look screwed.
XESTON: Mario looks like Luigi
VOIGEP: Enemies go through pipes, power ups fly to the left

PKONTX: When Mario faces left, he looks normal, when he faces right he looks weird and he can go behind background
VOULOS: Nothing comes out of any of the blocks
OPOISO: cannot be harmed by enemies but you can still stomp them
TOUSSA: You cannot stomp goombas or you’ll turn small or die
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NOKEAG: Some power ups and stars give you 1ups, hitting red koopas makes weird things happen
OLUNTE: Appear big when you run
XANOPO: no time
Super Mario Bros Nintendo Game Genie Cheats Ps4
TOANPX: Mario is crazy!
KEKAKE: no backgrounds and foreground
INTOAS: weird level, but it works
KYOUGK: Mario falls left instead of right on flagpole
TXEEON: time resets itself to 409 when it reaches 400
SEIING: when Mario hits a block, it becomes nighttime
STAPTO: no music
SEPUEG: when you hit the 1st mushroom block, coins fall from the sky, but you can’t get them
SPEPNG: weird level
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Yu-Gi-Oh!GX Duel Academy for Game Boy Advance.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page,. GX Duel Academy Gameshark Codes These Gameshark cheat codes unlock tons of power for your Yu-Gi-Oh! From 50,000 Duel Points to summoning as. Yu gi oh gx duel academy gba.
POPPOK: No Clouds
PSTIOO: Every Enemy Hit Is Worth “1 UP”!!!
PZZONO: Go down any pipe
ZEEOPO: 50 extra seconds
IVYENO: all enemies look like Koopa
PINAAO: Move in pause
SSASSA: Always starman
YAZYIG: Random teleporting
PAZSNO: Always have fireballs
PIGNAX: Invisible
EATSSY: Walk through things
OOTAAA: strange effects
AAAAAA:strange effects
POTEXX: Things turn to 1/2 when hit
TIKOAO: Swim without water
EVYIVY: Everything bounces
OPKOPK: Scenery in sky!
IAGPSK: Warp to 4-1 /w/ no Lakitu (Yeah!)
Retro game cheats for Return To Castle Wolfenstein (PC). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Once you're in the game, you should be able to use the following cheat codes (hit the ' key to bring down the console, then type them in): Cheat Code - Effect /god - God Mode /notarget. Cheat codes for return to castle wolfenstein pc game. Cheat Codes (client) The following codes will work on the single player retail version of the game, and only on a saved game. They do not work in the demo or multi-player games. Edit your Windows 9x/ME Desktop Shortcut for the game and change the 'Target' field to: 'C:Program FilesReturn to Castle WolfensteinWolfSP.exe' +set svcheats 1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein. UPDATED: In some cases the game will tell you that 'cheat codes are not enabled on this server' when starting a single player game. If this happens simply open the console and type '/spdevmap escape1' to (re)load the first map. Now you should have no problems using the various codes from this point on. Get the latest Return to Castle Wolfenstein cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs.
PIGPEG: World with no enemies or elevators!
PAZSNO You can always throw fireballs
Super Mario Bros Nintendo Game Genie Cheats Code
ZIGGYY: More enemies
Super Mario Bros Secrets Nintendo

SKIINO Enemies don’t die
For more codes, check out the following Super Mario Bros. Game Genie code pages:
Wayback Machine Archive of http://www.trsrockin.com/smb_glitches.html