Puzzle Words Answers. Puzzle Words Cheat, Answers, Solution, Hints for iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Android, Facebook and other devices, This game is developed by Sporcle, Inc. Play the awesomely addictive, super simple, FREE word game for the entire family – PUZZLE WORDS. They say a picture tells a thousand words, well now you only have to know one.
4 Pics 1 Word answers, cheats, and hints will show you how to beat all levels and letters of the game for iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android. Guess the word that the four pictures represent in the 3,000+ puzzles of this game by LOTUM GmbH. Use these 4 Pics 1 Word cheats to help you beat the app if you are stuck on a level!
Words With Friends on Messenger. Find the best moves for (or cheat at!) your Words With Friends on Messenger games with Scrabulizer. Using our strategic scoring system, Scrabulizer can find you the moves that are more likely to win you the game in addition to those that score the most points. Please find below all Wordful Answers, Cheats and Solutions. This is a game developed by Smart Up inc. It is basically an addictive brain teaser word game which will keep you entertained all day long. Each of the packs has a city name and the first city is New York.
4 Pics 1 Word Answers – Letters and Levels
4 Pics 1 Word 8 Letters
4 Pics 1 Word 7 Letters
4 Pics 1 Word 6 Letters
4 Pics 1 Word 5 Letters
4 Pics 1 Word 4 Letters
4 Pics 1 Word 3 Letters
If you still can’t find the help that you are looking for, please leave a comment with the level number and image descriptions so we can give you the answer for that puzzle!
About 4 Pics 1 Word Game
4 Pics 1 Word is one of the most popular apps on the market today! 4 Pics 1 Word is a simple game that will keep your brain whirring. The app presents you with 4 pictures and asks you to guess what the word they represent is. It might sound simple, but this game can get hard quickly! 4 Pics 1 Word is the perfect app to occupy your time while waiting for a friend, a train or an appointment. Just pull out your phone to put your mind to the test. Can you guess what six letter word coffee beans, a weightlifter, an ant and a kid trying to lift a weight represent? It’s ‘strong’, just like your brain will be.
Over 150 million people have downloaded 4 Pics 1 Word. Don’t be the last to join! Play by yourself or with your friends. You can even connect the app to Facebook to show off how well you are doing. The app constantly updates, so you’ll never run out of answers. No matter what, 4 Pics 1 Word will be there to keep you entertained. You don’t have to sign up for anything or give your login to any account to start playing. Simply visit your app store, download the app and start playing 4 Pics 1 Word today.
Stuck on a level of 4 Pics 1 Word? The game offers hints and various clues throughout gameplay. You can even buy extra hints if you like. If you’re stuck and don’t like spending money on your gameplay, just check out our database of answers to 4 Pics 1 Word levels. Conveniently organized by both level number and length of the answer, you’ll be sure to find the help you need. Keep moving on to newer and more exciting levels. You’ll never be bored in a waiting room again with the help of 4 Pics 1 Word.
The Wonderful World of Word Chums
The Word Chums Experience is a one-of-a-kind word game that has had people worldwide stoked since it was first developed by Peoplefun in 2012. Word Chums allows players to participate in games with two to four “Chums”, each being a customized character, a monster, or animal “avatar”. What is YOUR spirit animal by the way?
XPs and Coins -- The Currencies in Word Chums
Word Chums is filled with tiny little features that appeal to the reward center of our brains. During the game, the Chums can collect Experience Points (XPs) and Coins. For each word you play, you get as many XPs as you get points. Experience Points will get you to higher levels. Also, you receive a coin for each letter in each word you play. With the coins you can buy much-needed gear and upgrades to make your avatars both more handsome and more powerful!
Hints and Bombs
Word Chums has neat little gadgets to make the game appealing to your inner child. There are BOMBS you can drop at any point where you are literally at a loss for words. The Bomb will swap your entire set of letters so that you can try again. To put it simply: where a normal word game player passes, a Word Chums Chum will drop the Bomb! Also, using hints in an active game of Word Chums is not looked down upon. On the contrary, there is a HINT button included to show you the best spot for the best word. But sometimes, a hint just isn’t broad enough and like the Bombs, hints are limited and have to be paid for with hard-earned points. This is where our Word Chums help comes in!
The Word Chums Tool by word-grabber.com
At word-grabber.com we have several word generators and tools for different word games. Our generators draw the solutions from valid and official word lists.
A Overview of our Word Chums Tool

Get a quick overview with our video about our Word Chums Tool:
Tutorial: Word Chums Cheat at word-grabber.comWatch this video on YouTube
What is our Word Chums Helper?
The Word Chums Helper makes words from letters for the popular mobile word game Word Chums. You can type in letters to create a word, but also a pattern to be matched or the number of blanks to be used. It also helps you by saving hints and bombs, so you can reach higher levels faster.
Using Our Word Chums Help to Create Words
Using our Word Chums Help is quite easy: Just type in the letters you want to form words with for Word Chums and press GRAB IT. If you want to improve the possible results, you can use a specific pattern including field scores (see list below) or select from different options, like the amount of blank tiles.
Well into a game of Word Chums, the player is given the letters GRNMETE. Will our Chum be able to use all seven letters and receive 40 bonus points? Let’s find out!
Highlighted Results in Word Chums Cheat
In Word Chums Cheat the blanks and letters from the pattern are accentuated, so that blanks can be underlined differently and letters from the board are displayed white against a brown background.
The player typed the letters GRNMETE into the letters field of the Word Chums Cheat and pressed GRAB IT! By default, the results are sorted by points descending from highest to lowest. You can also sort the results by length. Next, we take a look at how to use the pattern field and reach for a lot of Experience Points!
Quick Guide for Settings and Patterns in Word Chums Cheat

1. Letters: Simply type in the letters you want to generate words from in Word Chums.
2. Blanks: By using a white space or dot, you can shift the blank selection below depending on whether you need one or two blanks. When you set a third white space or dot, the selection will move back to zero.
3. Pattern (optional): Match the results to a specific situation on the Word Chums board.
Symbols for Use in the Pattern Field
Wonderful Word Game Cheat Facebook
a-z for letters already on the board
. (dot): empty field
2 : empty field with double letter score
3 : empty field with triple letter score
6 : empty field with quadruple letter score
4 : empty field with double word score
5 : empty field with triple word score
6 : empty field with quadruple word score
Please note that if you use patterns, the results will be no longer than the number of characters you entered into the pattern field. This way you can limit the length of the results by using a specific number of dots.
For further information on the pattern field take a look at this tutorial!
A Word Chums Game Example Using Our Pattern Field
Like most other word games, Word Chums requires you to build your words by attaching them to another one already on the board. Here, the player wants to build a new word around the E at the end of the word KITE. Also, our Chum wants to include a quadruple word score field. The pattern our chum needs to type in is therefore T3…E..6. Let’s see, how that works out!
By using the pattern field, with our Word Chum’s help, we have determined RETEM is the highest scoring word that can be built around KITE. The total score is 24. Let’s see if we can do better than that!
Experience Points in Word Chums
Word Game Cheats
Word Chums rewards players with Experience Points (XPs). If you can manage to get enough, you might even become King or Queen of the Chums. There are currently 122 realms under your rule that go from “Novice” to “Interstellar Speller”. You also get 10, 20, or 40 bonus points for five-, six- and seven-letter words respectively.
This time, we want to use the Word Chums help to its full potential. Not only are we going to make METH even more damaging, but we will also be receiving a lot of Experience Points by getting rid of all seven of our letters PEESRUS at once and go for a big bonus.
From the letters PEESRUS (yes, we are fully aware of how funny that sounds!), the Word Chums help has created PERUSES as the highest scoring word. Now let’s do the meth together. (I mean the math of course!)
THIS is how you become King or Queen of the Chums! By playing all your seven letters at once, thus receiving 40 bonus points for PERUSES, receiving a total of 96 points, and casually making METH plural. (But seriously, by all means keep away from that stuff in real life!)
Word Chums and Friends
Wonderful Word Game Cheats Facebook Games
On word-grabber.com you can learn more about the popular mobile word game Word Chums. More and more word game enthusiasts have tried out this game and now they can’t stop playing. Word Chums combines the concept of other popular word games with a colorful little avatar world. You can visit the following pages to find interesting articles about Word Chums strategies.
An interview with Kenny Newell from Peoplefun about their brainchild Word Chums
Wonderful Word Game Cheats Facebook Game
This article will help you to improve your skills and strategies.
Part two of an article about Experience Points and Coins
Wonderful Word Game Cheat Sheet
Articles about Word Chums in Mobile Word Games
Facebook Game Cheats Free
Do you like to play word games on mobile devices like iPhone, Blackberry, or your Android system? We will keep you updated on the latest developments in the mobile word game world. In our category “Mobile word games”, you will also find more interesting articles about Word Chums.