Animal Crossing Nes Games Cheats

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Cheat codes for Animal Crossing

How to Meet K.K.slider the singing dog

Go to the train station a 8:00 pm on a saturday night in real time.

Song List

These are all of the songs that you can request from K.K. Slider and play on your own stereo. Make sure you put in the periods after the letters 'K':
Aloha KK
Cafe KK
Comrade KK
Go KK Rider
I Love You
Imperial KK
KK Aria
KK Ballad
KK Blues
KK Bossa
KK Calypso
KK Casbah
KK Chorale
KK Condor
KK Country
KK Cruisin'
KK D & B
KK Dirge
KK Etude
KK Faire
KK Folk
KK Fusion
KK Gumbo
KK Jazz
KK Lament
KK Love Song
KK Lullaby
KK Mambo
KK March
KK Parade
KK Ragtime
KK Raggae
KK Rock
KK Safari
KK Salsa
KK Sambe
KK Ska
KK Song
KK Soul
KK Steppe
KK Swing
KK Tango
KK Technopop
KK Waltz
KK Western
Lucky KK
Mr. KK
Only Me
Rockin' KK
Senor KK
Soulful KK
Surfin' KK
The K. Funk
Two Days Ago

Golden Shovel

See the shiny spots on the ground where you dig up your 1000 bells? Do not fill in the holes yet. Instead, you need to purchase another shovel and bury the shovel in the ground where you got the money. This will sprout a tree that will grow a golden shovel.

Golden Axe

Frequently visit the wishing fountain. You must fix all tasks it asks of you ranging from cleaning up the garbage to making areas more green. Get a consistently good ranking on your town from the wishing well for 15 days and you will be rewarded with the golden axe.

Golden Fishing Rod

Catch all 40 species of fish to get rewarded with the golden rod. You will also get a cool emblem on top of your house.

Golden Net

Catch all 40 species of bugs to recieve a golden net and a cool emblem on top of your house.

Be color coded

Place orange colored furniture in the North, yellow in the West, red in the East, and green in the South. This will give you certain bonuses. For example, the yellow furniture increases the amount of money you receive. The other colors have similar benefits, so be sure to follow this basic rule when constructing your house.

Fossil Fuel

After you've dug up a fossil, sent it to the museum and received it back, you can take the fossils to Tom Nook and sell them for very high prices.

Bees into money

It's tricky and you have to time it right, but when you knock a beehive out of a tree get your net out and catch the bees. This is the most profitable out of all the insects in the game, worth 4500.

Money trees

Find a spot in the ground that's glowing and dig it up. You'll get 1000 bells but instead of keeping it, bury again in the same hole and a money tree will grow.

Speed it up

During any given day you can run out of things to do or buy. So here's a solution: Save your current game, then turn the GC off. Open the lid and turn the GC on so the main GC menu comes up. Go into the calendar and change the date and/or time to whatever you want. Then close the lid and start the game. It will now be that time/day in the game and you have new stuff to buy and things to do. This works great with Halloween and 'Toy Day' (Christmas). You can then switch back to the regular day and time without fault.

Super Mario Song

Obtain an Apple television and turn it on. If you zoom in close, you will hear the Bowser music from Super Mario World.

Danny Boy Song

To have the song 'Danny Boy', enter the following at the Melody sign west of the Post Office.
- - A C D E - -, D E A G E D C A

Eponas song

To have Epona's Song (from Zelda), enter the following at the Melody sign west of the Post Office.
C A G - - C A G- - C A G (Silent) B A -

Fish Prizes

The following are fish prices that Mr. Nook gives you in Bells.
Barbel Steed 200 Bells
Barred Knifejaw 5,000 Bells
Bass 300 Bells
Bitterling 1,300 Bells
Blue Gill 120 Bells
Brook Trout 150 Bells
Carp 300 Bells
Cherry Salmon 1,300 Bells
Crucian Carp 120 Bells
Dace 200 Bells
Freshwater Goby 300 Bells
Giant Snakehead 6,500 Bells
Gold Fish 1,300 Bells
Guppy 1,300 Bells
L. Bass 3,000 Bells
L. Char 10,000 Bells
Piranha 6,500 Bells
Plae Chub 200 Bells
Pond Smelt 300 Bells
Popeye Gold Fish 1,300 Bells
Rainbow Trout 650 Bells
Red Snapper 3,000 Bells
S. Bass 200 Bells
Sea Bass 120 Bells


On some days, you will see a balloon floating in the air with a present tied to it. Follow it until it gets stuck in a tree. If this happens, shake the tree to pop the balloon and the present will fall to the ground. Then, pick up the present. Note: Most of the time it is furniture.

Golden Butterfly

Catch all 40 types of bugs.

Duplicating items and money

This trick requires two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. Connect Game Boy Advance #1 to the Gamecube using your link cable and turn it on. Go to your island (located on the dock at the edge of the ocean). When you finally get to the island, drop off the item or money that you wish to duplicate. Leave the island. When Kapp'n asks if you want to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, select 'Yes'. After it is done downloading to your Game Boy Advance, you can put it in sleep mode, disconnect it, and set it aside. When you get back to your town, attach Game Boy Advance #2 and turn it on. Leave that screen then immediately return to it. Talk to Kapp'n to go back to your island. After you start leaving you can turn Game Boy Advance #2 off. When you get to your island, pick up the item that you left there then leave the island again. This time when Kapp'n asks you to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, answer 'No'. When you get back to your town, disconnect Game Boy Advance #2 and connect Game Boy Advance #1 (make sure it is not in sleep mode). Leave the screen and return. Talk to Kapp'n once more. Your island should upload from your Game Boy Advance. When you get to your island, your item will be there again and you will already have it in your pockets. Pick up your item from the ground. You now have two of them. This will also work with multiple items.

Catch A Living Fossil Fish

To catch the living fossil you must fish in the sea when its raining. You will know when its there because its the largest fish and is worth 15,000 bell to Tom Nook.

How To Get Extra Money

First grab some fruit then hop on the train. Once you get to the other village sell the fruit for 400 bells more. Then grab some more fruit in that town. Then go back to the first town and sell all the fruit. You will get a lot more money this way!

How To Transport Items

To transport items pick them up and travel to a different town. Once there you must either drop the item on the ground or use the shovel to bury it in the ground. Then go back home and save. Come back on the other Memory Card and get the item put it in your house. This is great for moving your belongings to a different town.

Yankee Doodle

To get yankee doodle as a melody put CCDE-CED-CCDE-C-B-G.

Charlie Brown

To get the charlie brown melody you put CDE-EDC-D-C-CDE-E.

Stop The Waiting

When Tom Nook collects enough money he upgrades his store. When he does this the store is closed for a day. Now if you hate being on the wrong day and time (or if it is a special day) on animal crossing you can do this..Go to your Giroid and save and quit. Then before you start the game again select Before I Go and select Other Things. Then select Set Clock change it to the next day and start the game. When the game has stared go to Tom Nooks ne shop and sell something (ex: fruit) then Save and Quit and chage the clock to the real day and time. After when you go to Tom Nooks shop it will be finished.

Gift From Nintendo Power

Go to Tom Nook's store and then talk to him. One of his options will be 'Other Things.' Then he will give you the option of 'Say Code.' Then type in the following code
Mario Trophy
[email protected]&q75

100 turnups

Go to Tom Nook`s shop and say 'other things.' Then say 'say code' and type this in. It sells for good bells.
This will give you 100 turnups.

Fiddle Pause Screen Background

To change the pause screen background, grab a shirt that you want for the background. Move it to the bottom-right hand corner (not the section where the letters are stored) and move it down once. It will go into a blank area,and when you press A, the background will change.

30,000 Bells

Animal crossing gamecube cheats nes gamesTell Tom Nook:
WB2&pARAcnOwnU jMCK%hTk8JHyrT


Talk to Tom Nook. Tell him this code:

Extra 10,000 bells

First go to your gyroid and save and quit (make sure your mailbox is empty.) Then set the clock to January 1st. Then go to your mailbox. Your mom will mail you 10,000 bells! Do that with every other year for 10,000 bells!
Note: If you do it with one year, you can't do it with that year ever again!

Catch a Stringfish

When it is winter you can find a stringfish. Note: Don't try to catch it in the sea.

Zelda's Lullaby

Go to the melody sign near the post office and type this for Zelda's Lullaby: E--D-C--E--D-C--

48,000 bells in less than 10 minutes

1LhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd..Go to Tom Nook's Store and talk to him, say Other Things, and then Say Code. Type the below code in, you should get a Train Station Model 1. Open it, and sell it to Tom Nook. You will get 16,000 Bells! Repeat this process two more times, you will get in total 48,000 Bells! Then save and quit. Load up the game again, and you can get another 48,000 Bells! This can be repeated as much as you want, but remember, after you put it in three times, you have to save and quit. This also works with the other Station Models.

Some Item Codes

Password Effect
HullivershoneH DullivershonSY Get: Classic Bed
BF&6KQom9DzR35 RfLDC4%EepcmiR Get: Classic Cabinet
11ACK6I9JE#[email protected] gHCeoBLaa7Y%PE Get: Classic Chair
rc&c5qw9baamLS gljjHSoLwZMD7& Get: Classic Clock
rxdfqdasdasdas masdasdasdasda Get: Classic Desk
[email protected] sh&9cb#9Uh9w04 Get: Classic Hutch
B6&6KQom9DzR35 RfyDC4%EEpCmiR Get: Classic Sofa
Toad&Mushsooms Hmad&Mushdooms Get: Classic Table
OainktothepasT qninktothepasT Get: Classic Wall
KtsuKuKeGiKunY ItsuReSeZeNiyG Get: Classic Wardrobe
Za2&3&4&5&6&7& 1&2&3&4&5&6&7& Get:: Classic Vanity
j&JHasABigFatM exicanAss5eups Get: Classic Painting
All Passwords for the Harvest Set/Series
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. While talking to him, say 'other things', then say 'say code'.
Password Effect
ArariaAndrarah Swurlingtre5&2 Harvest Bed
[email protected] sqO9cb#3UaKHP5 Harvest Bureau
ifc74nVlY%zoI4 [email protected] Harvest Chair
R5ngoARS6I3iVL y&M6IJyNoWUBW4 Harvest Clock
[email protected] sqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Harvest Dresser
[email protected]&q7z 8UzSN1pfij76ts Harvest Lamp
ZeldainhyruleS NlgendO3Zeldgb Harvest MirrorGames
ArariaAndrarah Srurl5ngtre5&2 Harvest Sofa
vPSYDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Harvest T.V.
vPNH#CJc5yevsB DDQOhQdeKxHydS Harvest Table
All Passwords for the Jingle Set
Go to the store owned by Tom Nook. Talk to him. Tell Nook 'Other things', then 'Say Code'.
Password Effect
aPShHyYoeR685b afvBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Bed
aDSLHyYoeR685b afBBklwcRCmqi3 Jingle Chair
JgpermariobqoS 2ysmAlCa0ssiNG Jingle Clock
11AcKGI9JE#[email protected] gHceoBLdG7Y%PE Jingle Dresser
aPShDyYoeR685b afTBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Lamp
aDShHyYoeR685b afEBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Piano
aPShDyYoeR685b afhBlkwcRCmqi3 Jingle Sofa
lLhuwvEDA33emA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Jingle Table
MeetloafmeatdY LxatloafmeatdY Jingle Wardrobe
All passwords for the Modern set
Tell these codes to Tom Nook. Say 'Other things' then 'Say Code'.

Animal Crossing Nes Games Cheats Gameshark

Password Effect
MupersmaspbdoSSFIersmashbroS Modern Bed
MupersmaspbhoSSuIersmashbroS Modern Cabinet
A234567891234512345678912345 Modern Chair
[email protected]@Zzfuq#0zz3Nn27IGVlmPGG Modern Desk
[email protected]#9Uh9wO4 Modern Dresser
A7r45678912345K2345678912345 Modern End Table
2CijfPfycftAWiZkLTnpUgQjJ&j% Modern Lamp
EByY6mPTISyAEEyeexae81jaVOOb Modern Screen
[email protected] Modern Sofa
AlinktothepasT#linkgothepasT Modern Table
IDktBTGeNewWayOCRogtingCodez Modern Wardrobe
You can get the Lucky Nintendo Set for free with this code. There are others codes for them but these codes also work.
(Note: All codes are case sensitive. You must type exactly as you it. O and 0 look same as do I and l and 1.)
Password Effect
EOktvXIJ7WdzRj uiT28vpqcbJ1g Luigi Statue
[email protected]&q75 8XzSKd6Tuj7Lts Mario Statue
Barbecue Theme
Go to Tom Nook and tell him the following set of passwords:
Password Effect
aPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Barbecue
ArTriaAnoSarah Spurlingtre5&2 Bird Feeder
cPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Bug Zapper
[email protected] RTkjA3P3nb#GNh Garden Gnome
[email protected]&q7z 8XzSNupfij76ts Hammock
ArariaAndSarah SourlingAre5&2 Lawn Chair
[email protected] sh09cb#9UaKH84 Lawn Mower
ArTriaAndSarah Spurlingtpe5&2 Mr. Flamingo
aPYhDjYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Mrs. Flamingo
ArariaAndrarah S9urlCngwre5&2 Picnic Table
[email protected] shO9cb#9UaKHL4 Sprinkler
ArariaAndSarah Shurliagtre5&2 Tiki Torch
Cabana Items
Go to Nook and talk, select other things, then pick the password choice.
Note: You need to talk to a villager for the Cabana Screen
Password Effect
B6&6KQom9DzR35DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Cabana Bed
Iar45678912345E2345678912345 Cabana Boockcase
2%QafhMKhAyAY3Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Cabana Chair
PlaystationonE PyaystationonE Cabana Dresser
ZzicrRB%wwcRMs GX1Qb&Zv0Z7c8x Cabana Lamp
2%Q3fhMdRByAY3Z5yYAK9zyHxLo7 Cabana Screen
I7345678912345 E234567891234E Cabana Table
FjEiKuIzEiKukY DkEiKuIzEiKuky Cabana Vanity
Cabin Items
Go to Nook's store and talk to him. Select other things and chose the password option, enter one of the following
Password Effect
MupersmashbgoSSFIersmashbroS Cabin Armchair
MupersmashbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin Bed
[email protected][email protected] Cabin Bookcase
D7r4567a912345Ea3456789e23i5 Cabin Chair
MupersmashbnoSSupersmashbroS Cabin Clock
Blaine0002HeISABigFatAssNazi Cabin Couch
11AcKGI9JE#[email protected]%PE Cabin Dresser
MupersmaspbroSSupersmashbroS Cabin low Table
ZzicrRB%wwcRMsGX1QbaZv0Z7c8x Cabin Table
IDkteTBeNewWayOCRogtingCodez Cabin Wardrobe
Chess characters
Go to Nook's store, talk to him, select other things and chose the password choice. Then enter one of the following
Note: I think you need to talk to a villager for the White Knight. I'm not positive though.
Password Effect
aDSLDyYoeR685bafRBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Bishop
lLhuwvEDA23fmAdsgnvzbCIBAsyU Black King
SupermakiobroSAeImAlCrOssiNG Black Knight
1LhuwvEDA22fmAdagnvzbCvBAsyU Black Queen
aDShHyYoeR685bafyBlkwcRCmqi3 Black Rook
SupermariobqoS4nImAlCa0ssiNG White Bishop
aPShDyYoeR685bafbBlkwcRCmqi3 White King
[email protected]#9Uh9HO4 White Knight
RtiXgIAGfe2AI7WwBZBBWW#Pulyc White Pawn
aPShDyYoeR685baf%BlkwcRCmqi3 White Queen
aPSLHyYoeR685bafxBlkwcRCmqi3 White Rook

Find a turky

At the harvest festival, you will find a turky somewhere hiding behind stuff.

Catch a Shark

To catch a Shark do the following. When it is raining in November go to were the ocean meets the river from 6pm onwards keep running out of the acre and back in, scaring away all the little fish, until you see a huge shadow (about the size of the Coelacanth's). Cast out your line try to catch it. If you dont catch keep on trying. It is worth 20,000 bells if sold at Tom Nooks.

Money trees

Sometimes in your town you will see some sort of yellow come out of the ground. Use your shovel and dig it up. you will get 1,000 bells! So then, bury money in and a few days later it will grow into a money tree!
Note: This trick is very hard to do because it mostly dies out.

Find a ghost

You must do this at 2:00 am in June (or some month around it). Then, keep checking around all the acres(he's invisible so check all around) and you will find him! You need to catch all 5 spirits with your net for him to: Pull weeds, give you something, and something else.
Note:Spirits can be found all over the town so keep checking!

Money trees:step #2

When you plant a money tree, don't set the clock. If you do, it won't grow. So wait a few days without setting the clock.

Mr. Resetti and Don

If you start a game after resetting the GameCube during play, Mr. Resetti will appear to complain. Repeatedly reset the GameCube to make him more and more angry. Eventually, Mr. Resetti's brother Don will appear to take the place of Mr. Resetti.
This is what happens corresponding with the number of times you reset:
1: The first time, he will go 'easy' on you and warn you not to reset again.
2: He'll come back and is slightly angry, no harm done.
3-6: He'll be ticked off, watch out, you may get lucky and he'll do this for the max 3 times in the stage.
7: Don his brother takes his place. He is nice but don't let him fool you, Mr. Resetti will come back if you reset again.
8-60. Ok, here’s when it gets funny, he'll sometimes ask you to write a note, and sometimes he'll make the screen go blank for a few seconds.
Your last offence, number 61: He makes sure that no one resets again! He makes almost everyone who lives in your town move up. Its rather funny, and they can't move back for about a week. When they do come back they don't want be near you. You are shunned for a about a month.

Animal Crossing Original Game

Welcome to our guide for the NES Classic Edition. The new NES Mini looks exactly like the original Nintendo Entertainment System from 1985, except much smaller, and instead of using cartridges, there are 30 games pre-installed on the console. Enjoy beloved hits such as Super Mario Bros., Punch-Out!! and The Legend of Zelda. You can even play games like Tecmo Bowl and Double Dragon II with a friend, so long as you have a second NES controller, sold separately.

We’ll tell you everything about the NES Classic Edition, including where to buy the system on November 11, and some of the best cheats for games like Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest and Ghosts’N Goblins. We still have a few days before the console debuts on November 11, and we’ll update this hub with new features in the coming days.

NES Classic Edition Tips

  • Each game has four slots so you can save your progress. While playing one of your favorite NES games, press the Reset button on the NES Classic Edition and then choose an available save slot.
  • The NES Classic Edition controller has a three foot cord, but you can buy extension cords from Nyko and My Arcade. In fact, the My Arcade Extender Cable gives you 10 extra feet!
  • You can view in-game manuals for each game, but you need to scan QR codes with your smart device.
  • You can use the extension cables with your Wii Remote, allowing you to enjoy retro games on the Wii and Wii U Virtual Console.

NES Features

Don’t miss out on buying the NES Classic Edition! We’ll help you get one on launch day.

Your questions, answered! Complete list of NES games and other must see details.

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You’ll never believe how small the NES Mini is compared to a soda can. Kid icarus game boy cheats. Incredible!

Who wants to play Tecmo Bowl on Thanksgiving? Our friends at Topgolf list the coolest NES two-player games.

Add six and even ten feet to the cord, then relax on the couch to play Dr. Mario!

NES Cheats

Get the Flame Whip, Holy Water and start at level six in Simon Belmont's fight against Dracula.

This game is so tough that many people never reach the end. Well, unless they use this handy cheat code.

Warp to different levels, and get unlimited 1-Ups with these quick cheats and secrets.

Take on the second era of the Super Mario Bros. with these sweet warp locations and secrets.

Find out how to get infinite 1-Ups and find all the Warp Whistles in the third Super Mario Bros. game.

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Learn all the level codes for comical action-platformer, Bubble Bobble.

Help Billy and Jimmy take on the Shadow Warriors with these tips and cheats for beat 'em up Double Dragon II: The Revenge on the NES.

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Dive into Samus' first adventure and take down the Mother Brain with these cheats and tips.

Conquer Link's first adventure using this secrets and cheats.

Take on this classic action platformer with these secret passcodes and tips.

Conquer the original Donkey Kong with these helpful tips and cheats.

Animal Crossing Gamecube Walkthrough

Step foot into this classic role-playing game with these great tips and cheats.

Animal Crossing Nes Games Cheats Games

Tackle the second game in this critically popular series with these tips and cheats.