Forager is a tiny, fascinating game in the spirit of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing — only with a lot more instant gratification. You mine, craft, and, well, forage at a lightning pace in search of new islands to buy and puzzles to solve. There’s even a bit of combat! But very little of this is explained in the game’s brisk tutorial. I tried the free demo of the game, and I have to say, that is fun as hell! I will break my neck to get the full game at the day of release for sure! However, I want to try to 'finish' the demo before I jump on the actual game. At this point, there is some trouble: The ways we can make money are limited here (as expected), but the prices of the land lots rise in a jaw-breaking speed, so. You can use Cheat Engine to spawn a specific item inside a vault, all you need to do that is the item id. 1 – Stone 2 – Iron Ore 3 – Gold Ore 4 – Coal 5 – Coal 6 – Flower 7 – Fiber 8 – Poop 9 – Bone 10 – Jelly Forager: Tips and Tricks to Get Rewards Posted on April 26, 2019.
Gaining levels is a critical part of this game as it grants you skill points that you can spend unlocking new buildings and features of the game. If you are just starting out it might feel like gaining levels is a massive grind. It kind of is, but once you know some of the best tricks to level up quickly in Forager, you will forget all about XP in no time.

I have discovered a method of gaining XP that requires no grinding at all. In fact, you can go away and make a sandwich and while you are away your character will be earning mountains of XP. The only issue with this method is that it requires you to have unlocked mining rods . It wont take too long for you to get to this point though.
If you do not have these yet or are just starting, this guide still has plenty of things to help you level up super fast.
Craft Tomes From Inscription Tables
Forager Game Cheat Engine Games
I found very little use for the enchanting scrolls but I found a LOT of use for the tomes. The sooner you build an inscription table the better. You will want to be crafting these tomes as soon as you possibly can as they give you a permenant XP bonus to everything that you do.
Crystal Sword & Demon Pickaxe
Ok, these things are incredible. I personally found the crystal sword to be the best because you can’t accidentially destroy your buildings with it. The crystal sword also seems to have a greater area of damage, but both items are good for the same reason. EXPLOSIONS!
Hit a resource with one of these and the resource will explode, destroying everything else nearby. If you stack with some amulets that give you bonus XP for mining, you will end up earning a huge amount of XP with every single swing of your axe or sword. I am using the sword here, you just can’t see me becaue I am earning so much XP.
Farming Skeletons
There are a few ways to execute this, the best is to use Mining Rods, but you can also use your sword or axe. In the undead areas of the map you will find grave stones. Destroy a grave stone and a skeleton will come out of it. Kill the skeleton to earn some XP. You can find plenty of enchantments that increase XP for slaying enemies to really make the most of this.

If you place a mining rod in the middle of the area, it will destroy the grave stones as they spawn. If you come back after 30 mins or so, you will find a huge army of skeletons that are super easy to kill. You can wipe these out with whatever weapon you want and earn lots of XP and coins in the process.
Unlock The Brilliance Skill
The brilliance skill is 2 places to the right of the Foraging skill on the skill tree. This will grant you a 20% bonus to all Xp that you earn. This one doesn’t require much explaining.
Crafting Items With The Crafting Obelisk Active
Forager Game Cheat Engine 6.4
Crafting doesn’t help you level up all that much but when you activate the crafting oblisk it will give you an XP bonus. If you build forges and other crafting buildings nearby you can queue a lot of stuff to be built all at once. I was gathering a lot of ore so I would queue up 500 gold/iron in 4 separate forges and just watch the XP come rolling in without having to do any more work.
Mining Rods
Forager Cheat Mode
These are the holy grail of leveling. Construct a bunch of these, let them destroy resources and you get XP for it. On top of the XP you also get the item that was dropped when the resource was consumed. Once you get a steady supply of mining rods setup the amount of XP you earn will fly up. You will also get a huge amount of resources like gems. It wont take long for thousands of gems to come rolling in.

Forager Cheat Engine Id
As with most other methods for earning easy XP, you can use enchantments to give you bonuses to XP for mining ore and other items to give you a really good XP stack.