Blood 1997 Game Cheats

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To activate these cheats just type T, the code, and then ENTER. Mcgee - Set yourself on fire onering - Invisibility nocapinmyass - Invulnerability. Run Blood II launcher, click on 'Customize', select either 'WidescreenPatch.rez' for Blood II or 'WidescreenPatchNm.rez' for the Nightmare Levels and click on 'Add'. Whenever you enable and disable the Nightmare Levels you have to add the right patch and remove the other one. Make sure that 'Always load these rez files' is checked and click 'OK'.

Blood 1997 Game Cheats

Cheat codes or cheats are text strings which enable power-ups, increased health or other bonuses (or detriments) which affect the gameplay favouring the player. This also makes the game unfair, and many people frown on others using cheat codes to beat the game, considering it the 'easy way out'


To enter a cheat code, during gameplay, hit the 'P' key (or key assigned to text). This disables movement and enables the text prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Type any of the text strings below and press enter to enable the associated effect.

  • voorhees: Death Mask. Displays the message 'I WILL NOT CHEAT, I WILL NOT CHEAT' and if repeated 'I AM A COMPULSIVE CHEATER' (not in 1.21). In 1.21 it gives you Death Mask, when it wears off you will be vulnerable. If you type it a second time while still invulnerable then you cannot turn off invulnerability by any cheat anymore and Caleb stays invulnerable forever.
  • edmark: Instant death (does fire damage, you can survive with 200% fire armor and 200% HP). Displays the message 'THOSE WERE THE DAYS'; Nick Newhard, Jason Hall and Brian Goble all previously worked there.
  • kevorkian: Instant death (does physical damage, you can survive with 200% physical armor and 200% HP). Displays the message 'KEVORKIAN APPROVES'
  • mcgee: Sets you on fire. Displays the message 'YOU'RE FIRED'.
  • clarice: 100% body armor, 100% fire armor, 100% spirit armor (does nothing in 1.21)
  • griswold: 200% full armor (same effect as getting super armor)
  • spork: 200% health (same effect as getting life seed)
  • cousteau: 200% health (same effect as getting life seed) and diving suit (but diving suit won't be actually refilled when you start using it if it wasn't completely empty before)
  • cheesehead: Diving Suit (but diving suit won't be actually refilled when you start using it if it wasn't completely empty before)
  • krueger: 200% health, but sets you on fire. Displays the message 'FLAME RETARDANT'
  • funky shoes: Gives Jump Boots and activates them
  • tequila: Akimbo power-up
  • satchel: All items
  • keymaster: All keys
  • idaho: All weapons and full ammo
  • montana: All weapons, full ammo and All items
  • lara croft: All weapons and infinite ammo. Displays the message 'LARA RULES' (not in 1.21). Typing it a second time will remove all weapons and ammo, even the pitchfork. After that if you try to switch weapons two times, the game will freeze because it gets into an infinite loop while searching for the next weapon.
  • hongkong: All weapons and infinite ammo
  • bunz: All weapons, full ammo, and guns akimbo power-up
  • mpkfa: Invincibility (Caleb receives no damage). This is a homage to Doom's IDKFA cheat (which gives all keys, health, and armor).
  • nocapinmyass: Invincibility
  • capinmyass: Disable invincibility
  • iwannabelikekevin: Invincibility (Kevin Kilstrom is one of the main programmers of Blood)
  • onering: Invisibility (same effect as getting Cloak of Invisibility)
  • goonies: Enable full map
  • spielberg: Disables all cheats. If number values corresponding to a level and episode number are entered after the cheat word (i.e. 'spielberg 1 3' for Phantom Express), you will be spawned to said level and the game will begin recording a demo from your actions.
  • jojo: Drunk mode (same effect as getting bitten by red spider)
  • fork broussard: Drunk mode, no weapons (does nothing in 1.21) (George Broussard is one of the people listed under 'Special Thanks' in the credits)
  • fork you: Drunk mode, 1HP, no armor, no weapons, no ammo, no items, no keys, no map, guns akimbo power-up
  • sterno: Temporary blindness (same effect as getting bitten by green spider)
  • eva galli: Disable clipping (grant the ability to walk through walls)
  • rate: Display frame rate (it doesn't count as a cheat)
  • calgon: Skip current level (in 1.21 it does nothing, except if you use it like mario, e.g.: calgon 1 3)
  • mario: Warp to any level. Brings up a window to choose episode (not in 1.21), then one to choose level. This can also be used to enter BloodBath levels in single player mode (episode 5). Example usage: 'MARIO 1 3' without the double quotes. It will bring you to Phantom Express.
  • frankenstein: Doctor's Bag
  • lieberman: Does nothing but it will say you have cheated at the end of the map
  • gatekeeper: In 1.21 it does nothing but it will say you have cheated at the end of the map, on older versions it takes away your keys.

Blood II: The Chosen[edit]

Cheat codes are entered the same way as they were in the previous game. Not all the codes featured in the previous game will work here, and some have different effects. Each has the prefix 'mp' which stands for Monolith Productions

  • mpscorpio: Displays the message 'Brian L. Goble is a programming god!' (Brian Goble was a Blood II Engineer)
  • mpgoble: Displays the message 'Brian L. Goble is a programming god!' (Brian Goble was a Blood II Engineer)
  • mptotaro: Displays the message 'Jim Totaro is da man!' (Jim Totaro was an IS associate on Blood II)
  • mpfollowme: Changes to 3rd-person perspective (over-the-shoulder view)
  • mpassaultrifle: Drops an Assault Rifle
  • mpberetta: Drops a Beretta
  • mpbugbuster: Drops a Insect-a-cutioner
  • mplaserrifle: Drops a Cabalco Death Ray
  • mpflaregun: Drops a Flare gun
  • mphowitzer: Drops a Howitzer
  • mpminigun: Drops a Vulcan Cannon
  • mpnapalmcannon: Drops a Napalm Launcher
  • mpshotgun: Drops a sawed-off shotgun
  • mpsingularity: Drops a Singularity Generator
  • mpsniperrifle: Drops a sniper rifle
  • mpsubmachinegun: Drops a Submachine Gun
  • mpteslacannon: Drops a Tesla Cannon
  • mplifeleech: Drops a Life Leech
  • mptheorb: Drops The Orb
  • mpvoodoo: Drops a Voodoo Doll
  • mpnicenurse: Adds 25 health points
  • mpreallynicenurse: 300 health
  • mphealthy: Refill health (resurrect if dead)
  • mpnecroward: 100 armor
  • mpgoshopping: All items
  • mpkfa: All weapons
  • mpbeansofcoolness: All weapons. Displays the message 'Monolith Rulez...'
  • mpammo: Refills ammo to capacity
  • mpcaleb: Change character model to Caleb (does not change statistics)
  • mpophelia: Change character model to Ophelia (does not change statistics)
  • mpgabby: Change character model to Gabriella (does not change statistics)
  • mpishmael: Change character model to Ishmael (does not change statistics)
  • mpgod: Invincibility
  • mpbeefcake: Increase gore and blood
  • mpwhereami: Display coordinates
  • mphideme: Hide coordinate display
  • mpspeedupX: Increase speed statistic, where X is a number from 1 to 5 (5 being max speed)
  • mpstrongerX: Increase strength statistic, where X is a number from 1 to 5 (5 being max strength)
  • mpherkermur: 3x damage mode (same effect as getting The Anger)
  • mptakeoffshoes: Invisibility (same effect as getting stealth talisman)
  • mpcarbonfiber: Decrease damage taken by 95% (same effect as getting willpower talisman)
  • mpkillmall: Kills all monsters on level
  • mpkillemall: Kills all enemies on level
  • mpclip: Disables clipping (grants ability to fly and walk through walls, but disables weapons, much like spectator mode)
  • mpsuperzug: unknown
  • mpfollowme - change from 1st to 3rd person camera view when patched with patch 1.01 for the retail version.
  • world X: Warps to any level where X is the map name. For example, if you wanted to go to Chapter 1, Level 9: The Underground, you would type in 'world 15_crypt'. (Note: This must be entered in the console, not the message prompt) Below is the list of maps.
    • 01_subwaya
    • 02_cityhub
    • 02_cityhubb
    • 02_cityhubc
    • 03_museum
    • 04_steamtunnels
    • 05_cdm
    • 05_cdmb
    • 06_airship1
    • 06_airship2
    • 07_cathedral
    • 08_subwayb
    • 09_abandoned_buildings
    • 10_sewagetreatmentplant
    • 11_slaughter_house
    • 12_trainstation
    • 12_trainstaionb
    • 13_downtown
    • 14_subwayc
    • 15_crypt
    • 16_bridge
    • 17_entrance
    • 18_temple
    • 19_lobby
    • 19_lobbyb
    • 19_lobbyc
    • 20_powerstation
    • 21_laboratory
    • 22_office
    • 23_rooftop
    • 24_ancientcity
    • 24b_arena
    • 25_ancientone
    • credits
    • end

Nightmare Levels codes:

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ScreenshotTitleCategoryFile type(s)Year
Alien Carnage
Arctic Adventure
Bio Menace
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
First-Person Shooter1993
First-Person Shooter1997
The Catacomb Abyss
First-Person Shooter1992
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter!
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!
Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
Commander Keen: Keen Dreams
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion
First-Person Shooter1994

Blood 1997 Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2

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Blood Cheat Codes



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