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Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock |
- Arcade King Award (10 points
| - Get the highest score in all arcade games in New Hive City.
- Auto Mechanic Award (10 points
| - Clear all Auto Repair jobs in New Hive City.
- Baptism of Water (10 points
| - Reach Vanessa's apartment under 4: 00 in Chapter 2.
| |
- Bee Quick or Bee Dead (5 points
| - Activate Barry's Bee Reflexes.
| - Activate Barry's Bee Vision.
- Delivery Boy Award (10 points
| - Clear all food delivery jobs in New Hive City.
- Dragonfly Buster (10 points
| - Take out 100 dragonflies.
- Flawless Buzz Battle 1 (10 points
| - Defeat Hector the Delivery Guy without taking any damage in Chapter 4.
- Flawless Buzz Battle 2 (10 points
| - Defeat Freddy the Beekeeper without taking any damage in Chapter 5.
- Flawless Buzz Battle 3 (10 points
| - Defeat Ken without taking any damage in Chapter 9.
- Flawless Buzz Battle 4 (10 points
| - Defeat Montgomery without taking any damage in Chapter 11.
| - Survive the tennis rally between Ken and Vanessa without being hit in Chapter 1.
- Flawless Limousine Pursuit (10 points
| - Follow Montgomery's Limousine to its destination without any damage in Chapter 6.
- Flawless Sortie (10 points
| - Reach the Flower Patch without a scratch in Chapter 1.
- Flawless Truck Chase (10 points
| - Follow the Honey Farm truck to its destination without any damage in Chapter 4.
- Flower of Abundance (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in the restaurant of Chapter 6.
- Flower of Bravery (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in the rainy streets of New York in Chapter 7.
- Flower of Bravery (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in the rainy streets of New York in Chapter 7.
- Flower of Courage (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in the rainy streets of New York in Chapter 2.
- Flower of Discovery (10 points
| - Pollinate the entire Pollination 101 sector in Chapter 1.
- Flower of Heart (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in the park in Chapter 3.
- Flower of Justice (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in Montgomery's office in Chapter 7.
- Flower of Will (10 points
| - Pollinate all the flowers in Vanessa's apartment in Chapter 2.
- Golden Museum Curator Award (10 points
| - All wax statues found and concept art unlocked.
- Honex Employee of the Month 1 (10 points
| - Clear all Honeycomb Collector jobs in Honex.
- Honex Employee of the Month 2 (10 points
| - Clear all Magnet Crane Operator jobs in Honex.
- Honex Employee of the Month 3 (10 points
| - Clear all Honey Drafter jobs in Honex.
- Honey Farm Protector (10 points
| - Don't let any bee get taken away during the wasp attack in Chapter 4.
| |
| |
- King of New Hive City (50 points
| - Acquire all New Hive City badges.
- Lightning Reflex Bee (50 points
| - Acquire all staged action badges.
- Master Pollinator (50 points
| - Acquire all pollination badges.
- New Hive Protector (10 points
| - Don't let the Hive suffer too much damage in Chapter 3.
- No Pain No Gain… in Rain (10 points
| - Reach Montgomery's Office under 3:30 in Chapter 7.
- Operation Buzz Boy (10 points
| - Reach Montgomery's table without taking any damage in Chapter 6.
- Operation Gamma Code (10 points
| - Collect 3 parts of the code and unlock Montgomery's safe without a scratch in Chapter 7.
- Operation Guaca Mole (10 points
| - Neutralize Ken using the 3 party guests without a scratch in Chapter 2.
- Operation Sting Ray (10 points
| - Collect 3 ID's and reach the secured room without taking any damage in Chapter 10.
- Race Driver Award (10 points
| - Clear all racing jobs in New Hive City.
| - Take down a total of 200 insects using pollen projectiles.
| - Acquire all rain drop dodging badges.
- Sprinkler Shower (10 points
| - Reach the fire exit under 0:30 in Chapter 8.
- Squadron Leader (50 points
| - Acquire all aerial combat badges.
| - Acquire all human encounter badges.
- Taxi Driver Award (10 points
| - Clear all taxi jobs in New Hive City.
- Washed Away Picnic (10 points
| - Reach Vanessa under 2: 00 in Chapter 3.
| |
- Why walk when you can drive? (5 points
| - Get inside a car in New Hive City.
- You Rock Pollen Jock! (200 points
| |
Getting more Honey Points
To get more Honey Points, ride any car. Drive it through the streets and start hitting trash cans and traffic lights. As you hit them you will get more points which will help you throughout the game.
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Bee Movie The Game Cheats 2
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