Fate: The Cursed King Cheat codes:
Fate The Cursed King Walkthrough
In ALL cases this is a FALSE ALARM as NONE of the Game Trainers @ GCW contain known malicious code! More info in the PC Games FAQ! If you have problems using a trainer in combination with Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 then make sure to run the trainer with Administrator rights and when needed in Windows XP or Windows 98 compatibility mode! Subscribing always helps!:D Info v v vTo make the question mark pop up press ctrl + shift + You have to enter the God cheat every time you log back in. Just in case people didn't know, the cheats from the original FATE still work for this game. There is one difference though, you have to type 'spawn' (without quotes of course), then follow with the item. Example 'spawn healing charm' and as far as I know all of the items are 'spawnable' including the legendary gear from the previous game.
All of these codes are entered through the debug console (okay, okay, the Cheat Console). To access this, start FATE, and get in to the game world with your character. Once you're in (this works both in Grove and the Dungeon), type the key-combo Control+Shift+~ (the ~ is to the left of !). This will bring up the Cheat Console, which will appear as a question mark on the lower left third of the screen. Once it's open, just start typing some of the codes below, and you'll see the text appear next to the question mark. Once you've entered the desired cheat (only one at a time), just hit enter to execute the command.
Note: a big departure from earlier Console Commands is the use of the word 'spawn' in order for the command to work. If the listed command doesn't work initially, try adding 'spawn' in front for items and creatures. In any case, contact me via PM so I can correct this list.
Command - Effect
spawn [Creature Name] - Summons the given creature.
spawn [Item Name] - Summons the given item name. Refer to the FATE Archive for a list of legendary items.
Ascend '#' - Ascends a '#' of levels (remove quotes and replace # with the number of levels to ascend)
Blood - allows the game to display red blood (normally, you see star particles instead)
Descend '#' - Descends a '#' of levels (remove quotes and replace # with the number of levels to descend)
Discoverall - Completely reveals the current dungeon level.
Dumpmap - Creates a text description of the current map to a maze.txt file, which can be found in the game's installation folder.
Experience - Adds 5000 experience points to your character
Fame - Adds 1000 fame points to your character
spawn Fate Statue - Creates a statue that, when activated, will either give a unique monster, or 2 random gems
spawn Fountain of Health - Creates a fountain that will replenish your health
spawn Fountain of Mana - Creates a fountain that will replenish your mana
spawn Fountain of Stamina - Creates a fountain that will replenish your stamina
spawn Fountain of Wellness - Creates a fountain that will replenish both your health and your mana
God - Makes your character invulnerable to damage. Typing the code a second time will turn off invulnerability.
Gold - Gives you 500,000 pieces of gold
Heal - Restores all of your health
spawn Large Chest - Summons a large chest with nothing in it
Levelup - Gives you one experience level
Levelup # - Gives you # levels of experience
spawn Magic Anvil - Creates an Anvil that will randomly imbue either a positive or negative magical effect on an item
Noblood - Replaces red blood with star particles (this is the default)
Realm # - Use to switch between different available realms where # is the realm ID to move to. (Arachne's Son)
spawn Shrine of Learning - Creates a Shrine that will randomly give either positive or negative effects to a character's stats
REALMCOMPLETE # - where '#' is the realm id, this command will complete all realmquests from that realm.
STATBOOST - will add 100 points to each attributte of your character.
RTCLOCK - will add a real time clock in the upper-right side of the screen.