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Get the latest Saints Row 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Get the latest Saint's Row cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Saint's Row.
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Saints Row 2.
Make Famous Rappers/R&B Artists
Lil Wayne (A Millie) BLACK hoodie BLACK W/ WHITE stripes track pants WHITE sports shoes w/ strap
Lil Wayne 2 (A Millie) WHITE tank top CHARCOAL baggy canvas pants BLACK baseball cap w/ WHITE front (or vice versa)
Lil Wayne's Bodyguard (A Millie) BLACK track shorts w/ WHITE stripes BLACK logo mens t shirt 1 BLACK blackout shades WHITE sports shoes w/ strap
Timbaland (Return The Favor) BLACK business jacket BLACK mens t shirt 1 BLACK pleated dress slacks BLACK loafers (loafers 1 or 2) GOLD chain w/ GOLD cross
Kid Cudi (Day n Nite) WHITE button shirt w/ BLACK tie CHARCOAL pleated dress slacks
50 Cent (Candy Shop) WHITE button shirt (no tie) jeans-looking baggy canvas pants (meaning in denim colour) RED knit cap WHITE logo mens t shirt 1
50 Cent 2 (Candy Shop) totally CHARCOAL pimp coat WHITE mens t shirt 1 CHARCOAL pleated dress slacks CHARCOAL baseball cap
T-Pain (Freeze) BLUE track jacket w/ WHITE stripes CHARCOAL pleated dress slacks BLUE sports shoes w/ strap and WHITE designer shades
Chris Brown (Freeze) RED track jacket w/ WHITE stripes WHITE mens t shirt 1 WHITE pleated dress slacks RED sports shoes w/ strap
Kanye West (Love Lockdown) WHITE business jacket WHITE mens t shirt 1 SILVER pleated dress slacks
LLoyd Banks (Hands Up) DARK RED (MAROON or something) mens t shirt 1 w/ denim-coloured baggy canvas pants WHITE sports shoes w/ strap
Dappy- N-Dubz (Number 1) RED w/ WHITE stripes track jacket RED w/ WHITE track pants
Big Pink Bunny
If you go out in the far far out in the ocean you will find little islands and they have arrows follow them and you will find the big pink bunny p. s . Do not hit the bunny or it will disapear.
Quad Bike
Go to the mall and get 2 stars on you. When you dothat, the guards will be on a quad bike driving.Shoot them, or do what ever you do to kill them, andthen take the quad bike and go to the exit.
How To Get Easy Respect In A Helicopter
You must have 1 helicopter, (I recommend using the Tornado attack chopper), and you must head Downtown (I forget which area) to the Ultor Buildings. There is a square area with 25 ultor flags in it, that are orangeish-yellowish. You must have some skill of flying to be able to do this, what you do is get low a little lower than the top of the flags and fly around them without hitting them. You will get a 'Near Crash' respect label and you will gain respect for each flag you move around. I got 30 availiable Missions just from doing this. This strategy is basically only for desperate people. If this helped you, message me on GamerID.
Make Police Allies
First, find a co-op match, and then start Fuzz. Once the Fuzz start's, save the game then go to options then go to 'Quit Game' after quitting, press 'Continue' then start the game. You can attack the Saint's and they will shoot at you, if you want a police officer to follow you, come up to them and press D-pad up. You can still get wanted and the police will hit you if you are in a car, but will not shoot you. Helicopters still shoot you no matter what and police driving an S. W . A . T . Truck will shoot from the mini-gun.
First you put on cheats for gernade, never die, 4x the explosion, unlimited ammo, one that makes the cops stop killing you, and unlimited clip. Now you go to a lot of cars and keep throwing your gernades. Then cops come. Then then the fbi. Then come sun trucks. Then big sun trucks. If you can see it there will be an invisable guy (could say floating gun) driving a fbi car with no doors and no tires now its time to get in and run and stop them from getting you. NOTE DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR GARADGE OR YOU WILL LOSE IT!
Falling Survivor
I really suggest doing the base-jumping diversion.Get in a helicopter/plane and jump out from a highheight. Once you're somewhat close to the ground,open your parachute. It should say 'Press Y tostart base jumping diversion.' Press Y and land inthe center red circle. you'll be able to surviveany fall after you do it.
Easy Respect
If you don't want to waste time trying to get respect then this is a godd hint or cheat. If you walk through the city, find a pedestrian and take them hostage then get through with them. NOTE: This works best with the milk bones cheat. Or you can just take them to a very high place then throgh them off. Keep doing this to earn respect. NOTE: you will get about 200-300 respect each time.
Last Secret Mission Video
To car surf you should first go behind a car andjump on top of it. Make sure the car is stoppedand someone is in it. After your on top of thecar the car will begin to move and press y for acar surfing diversion. You can also win money thelonger you can hold your balance on top of thecar.
Suicide Bombers
When you have satchel charges you can throw them on people.
Turbo Little
When you get on a car you gonna hold LT and Ayou can hold it as much as you want.

To get the UFO, go to your phone and dial, #728237 go to cheats [in phone] and go to vehicles and look for Destroy. Click on that and you will have a UFO on your helicopter pad.
Full Health
Peewee Mini Bike
Never Die
Enter #929 as a code.
While in game play press A, RT, Down, Up, X, Y, A. It should say Cheat activated.
Clear Sky
Enter #948 as a code.
Pimp Slap
Enter #4976 as a code.
Milk Bones
Enter #9 as a code.
Heaven Bound
Enter #50 as a code.
Get Snipes 57
Enter #927 as a code.
Enter #1056 as a code.
Saints Row 5 Cheats Xbox
Video Cheat Codes
Enter #7 as a code.
Unlimited Ammo
Enter #16 as a code.
Low Gravity
Enter #714 as a code.
Ar-50 With Grenade Launcher
Enter #934 as a code.
Enter #949 as a code.
Enter #958 as a code.
Spawn Oring In Your Garage
Enter #1063 on your phone: you will have this vehicle in your garage.
Spawn FBI
Enter #4 as a code.
Player Pratfalls
Enter #6 as a code.
Super Saints
Enter #15 as a code.
Raining Pedestrians
Enter #200 as a code.
Everybody Is Shrunk
Enter #937 as a code.
Enter #944 as a code.
Pipe Bomb
Enter #946 as a code.
Enter #953 as a code.
Enter #957 as a code.
Car Mass Increased
Enter #19 as a code.
Add Gang Notoriety
Game Cheats For Saints Row 2 On Xbox 360 Kinect
Enter #51 as a code.
Lighting Strikes
Enter #201 as a code.
Get Horizon
Enter #713 as a code.
12 Gauge
Enter #921 as a code.
Enter #923 as a code.
Saints Row The Third Xbox 360 Cheats
As14 Hammer
Enter #926 as a code.
Fire Extinguisher
Enter #930 as a code.
Gal 43
Enter #932 as a code.
Enter #935 as a code.
Enter #938 as a code.
Enter #943 as a code.
Annihilator Rpg
Enter #950 as a code.
Sledge Hammer
Enter #954 as a code.
Zombie Carlos As Homie
Beat the mission 'Red Asphult' and call eye for an Eye Voodoo.
Zombie Mask
Complete the zombie game to unlock a mask to wear.
2 Homies
Win all seven Ranked Strong Arm Activities, andwin on all seven Strong Arm maps.
Strong Armed-Achievement 10G
Complete all Ronin missions in co-op.
Reality Star-Achievement 15G
Complete the Saints Revival prologue
Zombie Mask
Beat all levels of the Ambulance Diversion.
Traffic Cone Hat
Get 3 Gold Stars in vehicle surfing without falling off.
Soprano-Achievement 10G
Grabbed 50 human shields.
Going The Distance -Achievement 5G
Earn 30 Multiplayer Badges
Made-Achievement 30G
Earn 7 Multiplayer Badges.
Tested-Achievement 10G
Host and win an Xbox LIVE Party Game.
True Pal-Achievement 10G
Complete all levels of all activities in co-op.
Partners In Crime-Achievement 100G
Complete all Brotherhood missions in co-op.
Pot Luck-Achievement 25G
Get 3 gold stars in Vehicle Surfing.
Romero's Hero-Achievement 5G
Complete all races in Stilwater.
Hello 47-Achievement 10G
Deliver all the cars to the chop shops.
All-City-Achievement 10G
Saints Row 1 Cheats Xbox
Find all CDs in Stilwater.
Maverick Goose-Achievement 10G
Find all stunt jumps in Stilwater.
Blue Collar-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Tow Truck, Fire Truck,Ambulance, and Taxi diversions.
Game Cheats For Saints Row 2 On Xbox 360 Release
...But It Sure Is Fun-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Septic Avenger.
Wrecking Crew-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Insurance Fraud.
Stuntman-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Heli Assault.
Do Not Talk About It-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Escort.
Purple Haze-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of Demolition Derby.
Velvet Rope-Achievement 15G
Complete all levels of all activities.
Remind Me Of The Babe-Achievement 40G
Defeat the Brotherhood.
Saints Row 2 Cheats Codes Xbox 360
Seppuku-Achievement 40G
Easter Eggs
Here are some Easter Egg:
Cemetery: Will Smith (actor)Grave, Anoop (hitman list)Grave, Payne (Max Payne? ! ? ! )House style Grave, Blowup doll tunnel in Hawk House style grave, Skydiver empty suicide grave.
Ocean: Easter Bunny, Oasis.
Downtown: Voltron Logo (No one loves me, ultor underground mall)its in the wrist section, Gucci Mane logo (brick building).
Marina District: Merhman Billboard (on a little island), Voltorn Logo (Inside north shore marina shops), Invisible Island ( can be seen on map but not in gameplay or the other way around)
Suburbs: FUZZ activity cameraman voltron logo shirt
Trailer Park: Blowup doll grave ( as seen above, find the end of road coffin sales go behind the building and the fence, there should be a metal door, shoot it, go in it, you'll find blowup dolls, keep going and you will find the tunnel that leads to the hole in the grave in cemetery Easter egg above)
Cheat Codes For Saints Row 2 On Xbox 360
We have no glitches for Saints Row 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: xXIsaIsaXx.Read the full guide...
Created by: veronicablushes.Read the full guide...
Created by: veronicablushes.Read the full guide...
Created by: veronicablushes.Read the full guide...
Created by: Tjofanan.Read the full guide...
We have no achievements or trophies for Saints Row 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.