Pubg Game Android Cheats

PUBG Mobile Cheats and Cheat Codes, Android. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2020. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.

  1. Coordination is completely based on the communication between team members. With the use of voice chat and messaging features it becomes easier to establish a great communication. In our PUBG Mobile Cheats you can get more tips for improving the teamwork and dominating the opponents. PUBG Mobile Hack – Battle Points and UC.
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  • Army Attack Strategy

Survival is the key to the game here, and just like in The Hunger Games, you may need to lay low and let other players kill each other off for a bit during the early stages of the game. While you do this, though, hunt around for weapons, armor, ammo, health boosters and other goodies, using the icons on the map to figure out where they are. Like in original PUBG clone Rules of Survival, you can auto-run by holding in one direction for long enough. Use this to your advantage. When you see a decent crowd of players or even one or two easy targets, auto-run to one side (as long as you know the coast is clear) and aim and shoot. Be ready to change directions as needed, but this will put you at an advantage if you can aim well.

Pubg Game Android Cheats Pc

Use the fire-mode switching buttons on the lower-left side of the screen to your advantage. You can switch between single shots, burst fire (three at a time), or automatic mode, although not all weapons will have all modes. And of course, if you're not getting what you want out of your weapon, switch weapons if possible. Look around the level for cars, trucks, or boats that you can ride in. If you're solo, you can go to down and mow down opposing players when you see them, while avoiding taking too much damage from anybody other than people firing RPGs and other explosives. If you have a buddy with you, one of you can drive while the other one shoots out of the vehicle.
Be a sniper to take care of both the hiding and the killing parts at the same time. If you're a killer aimer, have a sniper rifle, or both, lay down somewhere that you can hide, such as behind a building or other form of cover, or even inside of a vehicle. Find a target, blow them away, then run if you need to and find cover again. Or if they can't find you, keep shooting and picking off opposing players.
  • Better precision

When running around, if you see someone in front of you, you'll be able to pull your weapon into aim down sights mode and shoot them off quicker than ever before, thanks to no jarring camera angle change. It means if you spot an enemy in the distance, it's much easier to pop a few shots at them. Even leaning out of vehicles is much easier thanks to the clearer view. I found my shots to be quicker and more precise than ever before in PUBG Mobile, and my ability to spot enemies from a distance was better too. Well, mostly. | Submitted by Neto
  • Camo? What camo?

One of the best parts about third person mode is being able to see exactly how camouflaged you are when you lay down in a bush or against some grass. Of course it depends on what you're wearing and where you're laying, but that just makes first person mode a bit awkward. Plus, if you lay in grass, you get grass in your face, and can't see over it. Yikes. It makes moving through fields and open space riskier as you have less visibility, so try and stay away from long treks on foot. | Submitted by Neto
  • Firefight Strategy

Trying to aim at an enemy while strafing about is near impossible, and only really viable with gyroscopes, this will allow you more flexibility in how you move when in a firefight. It's worth testing, at least, to see if they help improve your game. So if you want to aim directly ahead you need to be incredibly still... Yeah, there are drawbacks to this, too.
  • Gameplay Tips

Pubg Game Android Cheats Emulator

Gameplay in here is much the same as it is in the console version, with the difference between the controls and all of the buttons you have available to press. When running, hold up on the virtual joystick to enable auto run mode. Toggle your weapon as needed between single shot, burst and auto (not all will be available with all weapons). Hit the options menu to find a bunch of other options such as toggling fire assist.
You start off with no outfit, and for awhile until you either purchase coins or play enough to earn some, you start every round in your underwear. To remedy this in battle, kill someone and then raid their backpack and steal their clothes to put them on automatically. Of course, you will also take all of their weapons, health boosters, armor, and other goodies too, but if being clothed is important, then steal some clothing.
There are many ways to kill and be killed in this game. Survival is top priority - lay low and let other players kill each other off early on, like in The Hunger Games. Go to buildings to find weapons, armor, and health boosts, and look around the outside of buildings to find vehicles. The broken, dirty ones can't be driven but the cleaner looking ones can be driven. Use vehicles to go fast, run people over, and avoid danger zones. In Squad mode, use vehicles to pull drive-by shootings on other players. Have other players ride shotgun or in the rear seats and fire away.
You have to pay 3,000 coins to modify the sex, race, and appearance of your character once you set it, so if you're not sure what you want to stick with, play as a guest. When you're a guest, delete the game and then reinstall it and you will be able to start fresh for free. If you log in with Facebook, then delete the game and play as a guest again or make a new FB account.
PubgAvoid the red zones (bombs fall in here) and stay within the blue zones (the eye of the storm). Use the maps to your advantage, not just for your own safety, but as a good way to find other players. Skirt the outer edge of the red zone to pick off players who are escaping or to crush them with your car. Skirt the inner edges of the blue zone for the same reason, especially if the blue zone is in a specific corner of the map - then you can skirt the opposite corner of it.
  • Less peripheral vision

The issue is that first person mode also give you less peripheral vision. Even when auto sprinting and using the eye icon to look in different directions, you can turn 90 degrees in either angle, while in third person mode you can turn the camera around 360. This, in addition to the narrower field of vision you'll have when moving between obstacles and through buildings, can change how the game is played for you. You'll have to turn and check your horizons and corners more often. Keep it in mind though, and use it against your opponents. | Submitted by Neto
  • On my back

First person mode's limited visibility makes having a team to watch your back more important than ever. With a team you can be less cautious about someone sneaking up on you. But likewise of course in team mode you should be aware of other players. If an enemy player goes down but doesn't die, that means they have another team mate somewhere alive. Watch out for them! | Submitted by Neto
  • Running Mode

When running at full speed, the auto sprint icon appears.. Hover over it and let go to continue running without holding your screen. While running you can use the small eye icon just below the map and drag that around in order to look around and keep an eye on your surroundings without changing the direction you're running in. The auto loot function will simply pick up essential items, like rare scopes, weapons, armour, and more without you having to do anything.
  • Up close and personal

This is obvious, but the first thing you'll notice about the first person mode in PUBG Mobile is that you get a much clearer view thanks to everything being a bit closer in your face, and your character model not getting in the way. That comes with some cons as well as pros though, as we'll go through here. Though for a start, it's nice because peering out windows means you'll get more outside view, and less of a window frame, so hiding in buildings is a better strategy than ever. | Submitted by Neto


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